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dc.contributor.advisorAlaaeddine, Nadaen_US
dc.contributor.authorFares, Reinaen_US
dc.descriptionIncludes bibliographical references (p. 39-66)en_US
dc.description.abstractThe skin is a sensor element that displays the progress of time. Skin structure and functions deteriorate because of biological and physical aging. Aging influences the skin barrier, the elastic and mechanical characteristics of the epidermal cell membranes, as well as its vascular reactivity. Barrier malfunction in old skin is caused by problems in epidermal keratinocyte renewal and differentiation, which are specifically connected to aberrant production of microRNAs that regulate cell division and senescence. The mechanical characteristics of the dermis in old skin are altered by an aberrant balance of matrix protein production and breakdown. Skin-related problems have been rising recently and the role of stem cells in treatment options attracted the interest of the research community. Several studies addressed the potential of stem cells in wound healing and skin aging treatment, thus marking them as agents of regenerative medicine. Stem cells of the umbilical cord were given a special interest for their role and capability in fighting skin aging. Their role was linked to their secreted paracrine factors including cytokines, chemokines, growth factors, and other bioactive molecules. In this study, the bioavailability of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) in the secretome derived from umbilical cord extracts (UC-explants) and mesenchymal stem cells (UC-MSCs) is assessed using ELISA. EGF was found with a maximum concentration of 22 pg/ml in secretome derived from UC-explants after 1week culture compared to the secretome derived from UC-MSCs which is the highest in the first passage with a concentration of 4 pg/ml. This anti-aging growth factor might contribute to skin rejuvenation and delay skin aging.en_US
dc.description.statementofresponsibilityby Reina Faresen_US
dc.format.extent1 online resource (ix, 66 pages) : ill., tablesen_US
dc.rightsThis object is protected by copyright, and is made available here for research and educational purposes. Permission to reuse, publish, or reproduce the object beyond the personal and educational use exceptions must be obtained from the copyright holderen_US
dc.subjectUmbilical cord, EGF, stem cells, skin regeneration, anti-aging treatmenten_US
dc.subject.lcshEpidermal growth factoren_US
dc.subject.lcshStem-cells--Therapeutic useen_US
dc.subject.lcshDissertation, Academicen_US
dc.subject.lcshUniversity of Balamand--Dissertationsen_US
dc.titleThe bioavailability of the Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) in umbilical cord tissues as a perspective for stem-cell secretome-mediated skin rejuvenation mechanismen_US
dc.contributor.corporateUniversity of Balamanden_US
dc.contributor.departmentDepartment of Medical Laboratory Sciencesen_US
dc.contributor.facultyFaculty of Health Sciencesen_US
dc.contributor.institutionUniversity of Balamanden_US
dc.description.degreeMS in Clinical Laboratory Sciencesen_US
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