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Title: Gleich syndrome: a systematic review
Authors: Haber, Roger
Chebl, Joanna A
El Gemayel, Maria
Salloum, Antoine
Affiliations: Faculty of Medicine 
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Wiley Online Library
Part of: International Journal of Dermatology
Volume: 52
Issue: 12
Start page: 1458
End page: 1465
Characterized chiefly by hypereosinophilia and angioedema, Gleich syndrome is a rare disorder with unclear clinical and therapeutic findings. Other symptoms include increased IgM levels, weight gain, fever, and urticaria. Herein we review Gleich syndrome and assess clinical features, epidemiology, and treatment options. Thirty-two articles including case reports or case series of eosinophilic angioedema and Gleich syndrome were included. Data regarding patient age, gender, and history, clinical and biological manifestations, and treatment protocols were recorded. The most common clinical findings include recurrent or non-recurrent angioedema, fever, urticaria, weight gain, blood eosinophilia, and elevated immunoglobulin levels. Corticosteroid therapy is the mainstay of treatment. Gleich syndrome is a distinctive hypereosinophilic entity with a benign course and good response to systemic corticosteroids. More studies are needed to evaluate the pathophysiology of this syndrome and lead to better therapeutic options.
ISSN: 00119059
DOI: 10.1111/ijd.14963
Ezproxy URL: Link to full text
Type: Journal Article
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Medicine

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