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Title: The missionary nature of the church in the book of acts. An exegetical and theological study.
Authors: Ayuch, Daniel Alberto 
Affiliations: Institute of Theology 
Keywords: Acts of the Apostles
Community Service
Subjects: Social Work
Issue Date: 2018
Part of: International journal of interdisciplinary scientific research ( ICOANA CREDINČšEI)
Volume: 4
Issue: 7
Start page: 5
End page: 12
The Acts of the Apostles speaks often about the social work of the Church through recurring concepts such as koinonia, mercy, hospitality and philanthropy. This paper deals with the ways that the Book of Acts promotes harmony in conditions of diversity (such as religious, cultural, or political pluralism). Several texts will be compared and interpreted to draw a clear picture of the Churchs call to serve the world and to witness Christian Faith in words and deeds. The world can be healed with the power of the Divine Word. This does not happen only by preaching and teaching, but also by acting and caring for the needed and the poor. The theological narrative of Acts shows how the Christian faith - the Way, as Luke likes to call it - grants a new understanding of reality and calls people to break the rules of worldly wisdom and to behave according to the wisdom of the Kingdom, where the principles of social relation are redefined through the lens of the Resurrection.
DOI: 10.26520/icoana.2018.7.4.5-12
Open URL: Link to full text
Type: Journal Article
Appears in Collections:Institute of Theology

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