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Title: La instauracion deI trono en siete septenarios la macronarrativa y su estructura en el apocalipsis de Juan
Other Titles: The Throne Instauration in Seven Septenaries. The Macronarrative and its Structure in Johns Revelation
Authors: Ayuch, Daniel Alberto 
Affiliations: Institute of Theology 
Subjects: Bible. O.T. Jonah--Commentaries
Issue Date: 2004
Part of: Biblica
Volume: 85
Issue: 2
Start page: 2004
This article investigates the function of number seven as a narrative device and as the main structural pattern in the macronarrative of the Book of Revelation. Considering the final instauration of the Holy Throne in heaven and on earth as the plot of the story, the structuring of the book in septenaries leads the reader through a gradual fulfillment of the New Creation and to the ultimate destruction of evil.
Offprint: , Biblica, Vol. 85 - Fasc. 2 - 2004
Type: Journal Article
Appears in Collections:Institute of Theology

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