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Title: Geo-economics vs Geo-politics: the Baghdad railway project and the spoils of a perpetual economic war around middle east
Authors: Karkazis, John
Vidakis, Ioannis G.
Baltos, Georgios C.
Bayeh, Joseph
Affiliations: Department of Political Science and International Affairs 
Keywords: Geo-economics
Baghdad Railway
Economic Crises
Subjects: Geopolitics
Energy resources
Middle East
Issue Date: 2019
Part of: Academic journal of interdisciplinary studies
Volume: 8
Issue: 2
Start page: 208
End page: 218
This study focuses on the geopolitical situation in the wider East Mediterranean Region at the dawn of the 20th century, based on the analysis of a major infrastructure project, the Baghdad Railway. The process of its construction eventually led to the rivalry between "Politics" and "Economy", towards increased relative gains for the superpowers of that period. The innovative side of the research extends to the hypothesis that modern economic crises are also related to power games similar to those prevailing almost a century ago. International Relations are linked with the Politics and Economy sectors, considering realistic lessons from the past in order to shape another better in terms of peace and stability future.
Open URL: Link to full text
Type: Journal Article
Appears in Collections:Department of Political Science and International Affairs

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