Currently, i am a full professor at the faculty of medicine and medical sciences at the university of Balamand. After obtaining my PhD in “Biophysics” at Aix-Marseille University within the CINaM laboratory, i was appointed as an assistant professor at the Department of Biology at the Lebanese University. After two years, i was appointed as an associate professor. Moreover, i was appointed as vice coordinator for the graduate program in cognitive neurosciences and a deputy director for the faculty of Sciences, Byblos branch. Additionally, i was appointed as visiting professor at the University of Paris Descartes in 2019 and i have been till now a visiting professor at the faculty of medicine at the American university of Beirut.
Honors & Awards
Qualification for maître de conférences des Université de France (Section 64: Biochimie et Biologie Moléculaire) (2022)
Full professor qualification at the Lebanese University – faculty of Sciences (2021)
Holder of the visiting scholarship for Visiting Professor at Paris Descartes University (Jan 2019)
Research Grant of the Lebanese University (2019-2021)
Holder of the junior scientist grant for mobility of the Aix-Marseille University (year 2013 and year 2014)
Holder of the visiting scholarship of the SFBBM and the FEBS organization (Nov 2012)
Holder of the “Bourse MENRT ou Allocations de Ministère de la Recherche” (Oct 2009)
Laureate of the “prix d’excellence scientifique Franco-Libanais” from the SMLH (société moderne de la legion d’honneur) (2015)
Certificate of appreciation for participating as a judge to the contest “MOUBARAT OULOUM (SCIENCE COMPETITION)” (2015)
Qualification for maître de conférences des Université de France (Section 64 : Biochimie et Biologie Moléculaire) and Associate Professor at the Lebanese University-Faculty of Sciences (2015)