Dr. Hamd obtained his Master degree in Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry from Claude Bernard University (Lyon 1) in 2005. He completed his PhD in Chemical Process Engineering with the highest academic distinction awarded in French academic university system "Very Honorable, with Committee Praise" from the National School of Industrial Ceramics (ENSCI) and the University of Limoges, France in 2009.
Between 2010 and 2014, Dr. Hamd worked as a postdoctoral researcher in several prestigious universities and research organizations like Sorbonne University, College de France, Paris Diderot University, Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) and the American University of Beirut (AUB). The focus of his research was to develop and design a new series of nanostructured and porous materials for hydrogen production by water splitting and catalytic applications.
In September 2014, he joined the faculty of engineering at the Lebanese university as an assistant professor where he contributed in the establishment of the petrochemical engineering department before being promoted to the rank of associate and full professor in 2017 and 2020 respectively. In 2016, Dr. Hamd worked as a lecturer in the petroleum engineering program at the Lebanese American University (LAU) where he was responsible of different courses related to process, refining and petrochemical engineering.
In 2021, Dr. Hamd Joined the university of Balamand as an associate professor in the chemical engineering department. He developed and taught several courses about catalytic processes and petroleum engineering, supervised Bs and Ms students and participated in committees at the department and university levels.
Dr. Hamd has published several scientific articles in high-impact factor international journals and has also presented his work in more than 40 scientific national/international conferences.
Honors & Awards
2022: LIRA Fund 2022 Winner, Master Project: Design of Novel Zinc Oxide Nanostructures for Photocatalytic Degradation of Persistent Organic Pollutants in Industrial Effluents”
2017-2022: Lebanese Scientific Leader of EU CLAIM project, (the first and only EU H2020 project in Lebanon until now)
2017 & 2019: Organizing Committee & Reviewer Board Member and Chair of Sessions in the First and the second International Conference on Energy, Power, Petroleum and Petrochemical Engineering E3PE
2014-2015: Selected as a member of Technical Committee at the Lebanese Standards Institution (LIBNOR)
2009: PhD award, "Very Honorable, with Committee Praise". Highest academic distinction awarded in French academic university system
2006-2009: Full Funded PhD Scholarship from “region Limousine”, Limoges, France