Daniel Ayuch is a Professor of New Testament at the St John of Damascus Institute of Theology at the University of Balamand, where he teaches courses in the field of New Testament studies His PhD (Dr Theol) degree is from the Westphalia Wilhelm University of Münster (Germany) His research work is based on linguistic and narrative text analysis and his fields of interest include the Lucan Diptych, the Synoptic Gospels, and the Bible in Arabic He has been a full-time faculty member since April 2000 He wrote several research papers for international conferences and consultations in the Middle East, Europe, and the Americas He is a member of the Biblical Federation in Lebanon (BFL), the Orthodox Center for the Advancement of Biblical Studies in the USA (OCABS), and the Society of Biblical Literature in the USA (SBL) He also has several articles in peer-reviewed journals in English, German, Arabic, and Spanish Prof Ayuch participated in the edition of the Pastoral Bible (Arabic, Bible Society, 2011), and wrote a commentary on Matthew, Mark, and the Book of Acts for the Modern Arabic Commentary (Dar Al-Thakafa, Cairo, 2018) A book with the title "Jesus: Master and Redeemer" was also published in 2018 in Spanish (PPC, Buenos Aires)