Manal Nader has a Bachelor of Science in Fisheries and Wildlife Management (1994) from the University of Minnesota, USA, a Master of Science in Aquaculture (1996) from the University of Stirling, Scotland and a Doctor of Philosophy in Marine Biology and Aquaculture (2000) from Hokkaido University, Japan Dr Nader joined the University of Balamand-Lebanon (UOB) in 2000 as an Assistant Professor where he led on the establishment of the Institute of the Environment (IOE) and the Marine and Coastal Resources Program (MCR) at the Institute He is currently directing both He also guided the introduction of a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Science Program in Environmental Sciences at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, UOB where he chaired the Program for a period of four years He is currently an Associate Professor at the Faculty where he teaches several undergraduate and graduate courses related to fisheries, marine ecology, Coastal Zone Management (CZM) and general Environmental Sciences Moreover, he develops and submits proposals for external funding in his field of expertise where he manages several externally funded projects on sustainable development and resource management and conservation His research and projects concentrate mainly on fisheries, CZM, conservation of coastal and marine resources including biodiversity, artificial reefs, and wildlife management in which he has several publications His interest is currently expanding into ecotourism, renewable energy, waste management, and watershed management; ; I addition, he has extensive experience in developing, and then delivering training and capacity building material as part of externally funded projects implemented at the IOE in addition to his two decades of experience in teaching undergraduates and graduate courses including supervision of graduate theses in his fields of interest