Department of Mathematics

Organization name
Department of Mathematics

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 1-20 of 64 (Search time: 0.0 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12018Adaptive mesh refinement for finite differences: one dimensional dirichlet problemsIssi, R; Sabat, Mira 
22021Always-convergent hybrid methods for finding roots of nonlinear equationsHitti, Karim ; Haddad, Samir El ; Sayah, Jinane ; Feghali, Stéphanie
32001Arabic documents indexing and classification based on latent semantic analysis and self-organizing mapMokbel, Chafic ; Greige, Hanna ; Sarraf, Charles; Kurimo, Mikko
42011Audio-visual biometrics and forgeryGreige, Hanna ; Karam, Walid 
52009Audio-visual identity verification and robustness to impostureKaram, Walid ; Mokbel, Chafic ; Greige, Hanna ; Chollet, Gérard
62006Audio-visual impostureKaram, Walid ; Mokbel, Chafic ; Greige, Hanna ; Chollet, Gérard
72004An audio-visual imposture scenario by talking face animationKaram, Walid ; Mokbel, Chafic ; Greige, Hanna ; Aversano, Guido; Pelachaud, Catherine; Chollet, Gérard
82002Automatic speech recognition of arabic digits over the telephone networkGreige, Hanna 
92004BECARS : a free software for speaker verificationBlouet, Raphael; Mokbel, Chafic ; Mokbel, Hoda; Soto, Eduardo Sanchez; Chollet, Gérard; Greige, Hanna 
102012Biometrics security and experiments on face recognition algorithmsDandashi, Amal; Karam, Walid 
112014Building a national research and education network in LebanonKaram, Walid 
122007Color image profile comparison and computingZakhem, Imad El ; Younes, Amine; Truck, Isis; Greige, Hanna ; Akdag , Herman
1328-Jan-2019Comparison between the predicted performance curve and the Markov Chain models for structural performance of infrastructure componentsSemaan, Nabil ; Dib, Youssef 
142013Connections on the fibre bundle and application to the Lagrangian mechanicsMehdi, M.; Farah, Farah ; Mortada, A
152017Cost reduction of cylindrical steel oil storage tanksHitti, Karim ; Feghali, Stephanie; Tahhan, Assad
162015Current developments on building an NREN in LebanonKaram, Walid 
1727-Jan-2022Current teaching methods in STEM departments – a road map for fundamental university educational reform: evidence from LebanonSabat, Mira ; Abdel-Massih, Roula; Kanaan, Amjad ; Salloum, Sara ; Serhan, Mireille ; Fares, Roula ; Haddad, Nicolas K. ; Melki, Antoine 
1812-Mar-2024Determination of asbestos cement rooftop surface composition using regression analysis and hyper-spectral reflectance data in the visible and near-infrared rangesSabat, Mira ; Fares, Noura; Mitri, George ; Kfoury, Adib 
192016Effect of doubling the bet in blackjack using stochastic processesAttieh, Maya; Dib, Youssef 
202019Effect of feedback on eBay sellers' business using markov chainDib, Youssef ; Roumieh, Nour; Saab, Gretta ; Maroun, Mariette