Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Organization name
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Parent OrgUnit

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

Results 1-20 of 230 (Search time: 0.0 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
11-Feb-2024Aging behavior and long-term performance: a comparative study of hot mix versus chemical warm mix asphaltBarraj, Firas ; Bilani, Mohamed; Hatoum, Ali; Assaad, Joseph ; Goulias, Dimitrios
211-Oct-2023Alternative stabilisation method for unfired earth blocksArairo, Wahib ; Daher, Nour El Houda; Bachawati, Makram El ; Absi, Joseph; Saba, Marianne 
317-Mar-2022Alternatives to Enhance the Structural Performance of PET-Modified Reinforced Concrete BeamsAssaad, Joseph ; Khalil, Mario; Khatib, Jamal
47-Nov-2024Analysis of Lebanese clay parameters affecting the durability and sustainability of clay productsDaher, N. E.H.; Nini, R.; Arairo, Wahib ; Saba, Marianne ; Yotte, S.; Absi, J.
5Feb-2023Analytical procedure for the concomitant analysis of 242 polar and non-polar organic compounds of different functional groups in fog waterKhoury, Dani; Millet, Maurice; Jabali, Yasmine ; Delhomme, Olivier
61-Sep-2023Application of Stochastic Finite Element Modeling to Reinforced Lightweight Concrete Beams Containing Expanded Polystyrene BeadsGhannoum, Maria ; Abdelkhalek, Lara; Assaad, Joseph 
711-Oct-2023Aspen Plus designing and optimizing the hospital wastewater treatment by wet air oxidation methodTager, Edward; Naoushi, Salah-Eddine; Arairo, Wahib ; Saba, Marianne ; Bachawati, Makram El 
82016Assessing water quality using GIS: the case of northern Lebanon miocene aquiferSaba, Marianne ; Iaaly, Amal ; Carlier, Eric; Gerges, Najib N. 
92014An assessment model for structural performance of subway systemsSemaan, Nabil ; Zayed, Tarek
101-Jan-2019Assessment of aluminosilicate raw material used in Lebanon: Effect of curingSaba, Marianne ; Gerges, Najib N. ; Absi, Joseph
112019Assessment of bond strength of underwater polymer-modified concreteAssaad, Joseph ; Gerges, Najib N. ; Khayat, Kamal Henri; Lattouf, Najib; Mansour, Jimmy
121-Dec-2024Assessment of concrete-to-concrete shear bond behavior using 3-D direct shear testingEl Dandachy, Mohamad Ezzedine; AlMohamad, Dalia; Briffaut, Matthieu; El-Mir, Abdulkader ; Assaad, Joseph ; El-Hassan, Hilal
132016Assessment of physico-chemical and microbiological quality of surface water case study: "Abou Ali" river north LebanonJabali, Yasmine ; Hoz, Mervat El; Millet, Maurice
1428-Jan-2022Assessment of Seawater Intrusion in a Coastline City Using GIS (Tripoli Lebanon)Saba, Marianne ; Iaaly, Amal ; Gerges, Najib N. 
15Feb-2022Assessment of the Compressive Strength of Self-Consolidating Concrete Subjected to Freeze-Thaw Cycles Using Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity MethodEl-Mir, Abdulkader ; El-Zahab, Samer
168-Feb-2022Awareness of Citizens for the Single-Use Plastics: Comparison between a High-Income and an Upper-Middle-Income Economy of the Easter Mediterranean Region, Greece and LebanonGareiou, Zoe; Chroni, Christina; Kontoleon, Karolos; Bachawati, Makram El ; Saba, Marianne ; Martin, Ruth Herrero; Zervas, Efthimios
172-Jun-2022Bond properties between smooth carbon fibre-reinforced polymer bars and ultra-high performance concrete modified with polymeric latexes and fibresKhalil, Nariman ; Assaad, Joseph 
182019Bond properties of polymer-modified lightweight self-consolidating concrete containing expanded polystyreneAssaad, Joseph ; Daou, Anas; Daou, Yehia
196-Jan-2022Bond to Bar Reinforcement of PET-Modified Concrete Containing Natural or Recycled Coarse AggregatesAssaad, Joseph ; Khatib, Jamal M.; Ghanem, Rawan
202019Bond to reinforcement of polymeric lightweight flowable concrete for structural applicationsAssaad, Joseph ; Gerges, Najib N. ; Issa, Camille