Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

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Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Parent OrgUnit

OrgUnit's Researchers publications
(Dept/Workgroup Publication)

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People:  rp00083

Results 1-20 of 24 (Search time: 0.0 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12019Characterization of 3D printing mortars made with OPC/CSAKhalil, Noura; Rémonda, Sébastien; Baz, Bilal Adnan; Aouad, Georges 
22021Durability assessment and microstructural analysis of 3D printed concrete exposed to sulfuric acid environmentsBaz, Bilal; Aouad, Georges ; Kleib, Joelle; Bulteel, David; Remond, Sébastien
32017Durability of recycled aggregate concreteKhalil, Nariman ; Aouad, Georges 
42021Effect of calcium sulfoaluminate cements composition on their durabilityKleib, Joelle; Aouad, Georges ; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Zakhour, Mirvat; Abriak, Nor Edine
52020Effect of the printing method and mortar's workability on pull-out strength of 3D printed elementsBaz, Bilal Adnan; Aouad, Georges ; Rémonda, Sébastien
62017Enhance the rheological and mechanical properties of clayey materials by adding starchesAlhaik, Ghaith; Ferreira, Michel; Dubois, Vincent; Wirquin, Eric; Tilloy, Sébastien; Monflier, Eric; Aouad, Georges 
72018Evaluate the influence of starch on earth/hemp or flax straws mixtures properties in presence of superplasticizerAlhaik, Ghaith; Dubois, Vincent; Wirquin, Eric; Leblanc, Alexandre; Aouad, Georges 
82022Experimental study of bulletproof concreteTawk, Issam ; Semaani, Eddy; Aouad, Georges 
92021Incorporation of zinc in calcium sulfoaluminate cement clinkerAouad, Georges 
106-Mar-2022Influence of the mix composition on the thixotropy of 3D printable mortarsAouad, Georges 
112021Inter-layer reinforcement of 3D printed concrete elementsBaz, Bilal; Aouad, Georges ; Khalil, Noura; Remond, Sébastien
122013Leaching of calcium sulfoaluminate cement pastes by water at regulated pH and temperature: experimental investigation and modelingBerger, Stephane; Aouad, Georges ; Cau Dit Coumesa, C; Le Bescop, Patrick; Damidot, Denis
1318-Jun-2023Long-term durability assessment of 3D printed concreteEl Inaty, François; Baz, Bilal; Aouad, Georges 
142020Mechanical assessment of concrete - Steel bonding in 3D printed elementsBaz, Bilal Adnan; Aouad, Georges ; Leblond, Philippe; Mansouri, Omar Al-; D'hondt, Melody; Rémonda, Sébastien
152017Numerical and experimental studies of aggregate blocking in mortar extrusionCheikh, Khadija El; Rémonda, Sébastien; Khalil, Noura; Aouad, Georges 
1617-Apr-2023Photocatalytic Activity and Mechanical Properties of Cement Slurries Containing Titanium DioxideJabali, Yasmine ; Assaad, Joseph ; Aouad, Georges 
172021Production of Portland cement clinker from French Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Bottom AshKleib, Joelle; Aouad, Georges ; Abriak, Nor Edine; Benzerzour, Mahfoud
187-Sep-2022Recycling of Flash-Calcined Dredged Sediment for Concrete 3D PrintingDaher, Jana; Kleib, Joelle; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Abriak, Nor Edine; Aouad, Georges 
192019Risk assessment of asbestos-cement roof sheets in Chekka, North LebanonKfoury, Adib ; Mitri, George ; Zakhem, Henri El ; Aouad, Georges 
202021Sustainable masonry blocks: Olive wood waste as substitute for fine aggregatesAntoun, Marc; Issa, Camille A.; Aouad, Georges ; Gerges, Najib N.