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Showing results 72 to 91 of 1362 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Assessment of the sustainability of buildings in LebanonMouawad, Francois
1997Assimilation des concepts linguistiques étude de cas d'une école au LibanBendaly, Maria Habib
2023The association between alexithymia and somatization in the Lebanese population, and their correlation with different sociodemographic variablesChaaya, Roni
2024The association between attachment representation and psychological dating violence among a sample of Lebanese young adultsHaykal, Rebecca
2022The association between dyadic coping, work stress and marital quality in dual career couplesWehbe, Maya
2019The association between the polymorphism of the interleukin 8, 10 genes and the clinical manifestation of helicobacter pylori's infection in the Lebanese populationJalbout, Stephany A. Al
2023Association between time-zone differences and commitment and satisfaction in long-distance relationships in unmarried Lebanese womenGerges, Cynthia
2024The association between trait EI, burnout and anxiety among oncology nursesEL-Khoury, Larissa
2022Associations between PTSD symptoms, trait mindfulness, and locus of control following the Beirut port explosion among university studentsHarb, Reem
2022Asynchronous professional development for school teachers using the community of inquiry frameworkHoz, Iman El
2017Atmospheric distillation of crude oilGhazal, Reem
2009Attachement amoureux et angoisse de séparation : étude de cas auprès d'un échantillon de jeunes filles ayant un attachement amoureuxBazzaz, Farah
2021Attachment, mentalization, and substance-related problems in a sample of patients with substance use disordersAwad, Sarah
2020Autism spectrum disorder in inclusive classroom settings : a case studyHassan, Youmna El
2017Automatic segmentation method of glaucomatous OCT retinal imagesSalloum, Odine
2023Awareness raising on diabetes prevention, diagnosis, and management : a primary healthcare center-based interventionIshak, Marcella
2020Bacon and Beckett : the phenomenology of the picnolepticCharif, Amani El
2015Bacterial resistance and genotoxicity of wastewater in a Lebanese University hospitalFarah, Jina
2021Balamand social engagement hubFadel, Barbar
2010Balancing chamber enhancements in hemodialysis machineAwde, Salim