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Showing results 4584 to 4603 of 7210 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012Padri della Chiesa ed ermeneutica biblicaAyuch, Daniel Alberto 
4-Oct-2024Pain Self-Management in Individuals With Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain During Lebanon's Overlapping CrisesMakhoul, Melissa; Noureddine, Samar; Abu-Saad Huijer, Huda ; Bartley, Emily J.; Booker, Staja Q.; Uthman, Imad
2011Painted Churches of Medieval Lebanon: An OverviewVoderstrasse, Tasha
2000Palestinian-Arab Orthodox Christians: Religion, Politics and Church-State Relations in Jerusalem, c. 1908-1925O'Mahony, Anthony
2017Palliative care in Lebanon: Current practices, and perspectives for the futureDaher, Michel; Doumit, Myrna
2021Palmprint recognition systemAbdelmalak, Assem; Choucair, Dany
2019Palmyra: a Story of Ruins, Struggle(s) and BeyondElcheikh, Zeina
2016The pan-orthodox council: suggestions for a church on the moveNahas, Georges N.
2009Panorama de la Francophonie dans quatre pays arabesChehadé, Claudia
2017Papa toi qui a abusé sexuellement de moi, quest- ce que tu as fait de la femme que je suis : étude des conséquences psychiques de l'abus sexuel d'un géniteur sur sa fille mineure : à propos du cas «l'enfant Toni Maguire»Smayra, Mireille
2016Parabacteroides timonensis sp. nov., identified in human stoolBilen, Melhem; Cadoret, Frederic; Daoud, Ziad; Fournier, Pierre Edouard; Raoult, Didier
2019Paradigm conflict and the wealth effects of blockholder formation in private target acquisitionsAdra, Samer; Menassa, Elie 
12-Jan-2015Paradoxical exacerbation of myoclonic-astatic seizures by levetiracetam in myoclonic astatic epilepsyMakke, Yamane; Hmaimess, Ghassan; Nasreddine, Wassim; Fawaz, Ahmad; Beydoun, Ahmad
2021Paradoxical neutrophilic dermatosis induced by biologics and immunosuppressive drugs: A systematic reviewHaber, Roger; Dib, Nicole; El Gemayel, Maria; Makhlouf, Milissa
2013Parametric analaysis of a class of shear wall buildingsArab, Rita; Tabet, Nathalie
2018Parametric study of a class of arch bridge modelsBou Rizk, Ramez; Mokbel, Ahmad; Bacha, Charbel
2015Parametric study of repeating-unit arched truss bridgesElia, Georges; Abbass, Yussef
2020Parametric study on polymer-modified pigmented cementitious overlays for colored applicationsAssaad, Joseph ; Nasr, Dana ; Chwaifaty, Stephanie; Tawk, Tarek
2017Parametric study on the location of rubber in a concrete pile subjected to both static and dynamic loads in heterogeneous soilAbou Sejaan, Vladimir
2013Paramètres Anthropométriques et densité minérale osseuse chez des Libanais sains âges de 13 à 25 ansMsan, Charbel