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Showing results 3685 to 3704 of 7691 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1999Ka a Temporal Prefix in Mardini Arabic Derived from the Verb Kana (To Be)Grigore, George
2012Kangaroo care in NICUAbdallah, Bahia 
2020The key factors that have influenced the management of COVID-19 outbreak in LebanonHaj Hassan, Zeina
2019Kfarabida blocksMaroun, Simon; Ishak, Georgy; Serhan, Nicolas
2019Kfarhelda wineryMakdissy, Tom
1999Khané-s et hara-s dans le patrimoine urbain de la ville de BeyrouthSlim, Souad 
2019Kharetat al mousafer, an 18th-century proskynetarion of Jerusalem and The Holy Land from SaydnaiaAbou Ackl, Rand
2021Kinematic 3-D motion analysis of shoulder resurfacing hemiarthroplasty - An objective assessment methodJariwala, Arpit C; Kiran, Manish; Hyndman, Iain; Johnston, Linda R; Wang, Weijie; Abboud, Rami ; Wigderowitz, Carlos A
2016Kinetic energy recovery system in bicyclesChamma, Joseph; Tohmé, Georges
2022Kinetic model of clostridium ABE fermentation responsive to exogenous butyrate addition, amino acids effect and in combination with Saccharomyces cerevisiae cocultureGeagea, Rawad
2012Kinetic study of model soot oxidation over Ru/Co6Al2 catalystAoun, Amal ; Aouad, Samer ; Nakat, Hanna El ; Khoury, Bilal El ; Labaki, Madona; Skaf, Mira; Abi Aad, Edmond; AbouKais, Antoine
2013Kirby Bauer ReaderBoulad, Atallah Ali; Hannouche, Roger Elie
2009The Kisrawan Expeditions Against Heterodox Religious Minorities in Syria Under Mamluk RuleTalhamy, Yvette
2020Knowledge and attitudes toward cigarette and narghile smoking among previous smokers in LebanonAkiki, Zeina; Saadeh, Danielle; Haddad, Chadia; Sacre, Hala; Hallit, Souheil; Salameh, Pascale
2019Knowledge and barriers to optimal infant and young child feeding practices among syrian refugees from the Bekaa region : a pilot studyMasri, Rozane El
2017Knowledge and perception of green coffee bean extracts health benefits among market experts: a survey of dietitians, pharmacists and coffee shops in north LebanonMattar, Jessy; Tayar, Nadia; Hallab, Rami; Serhan, Mireille 
2022Knowledge gaps related to the clinical utility of the hierarchical taxonomy of psychopathology (HiTOP) : a scoping reviewAlam, Firas Al
1-Jan-2024Knowledge of blood transfusion practices among medical students and residentsFarah, Roula A.; Mitri, Aida; El Rahi, Hiba; Al Humaidan, Hind; Rajab, M. Hasan; Kemahli, Sabri
2002Knowledge of results and explicit instruction : Efficiency of learning the crawl stroke in swimmingRouhana, Joelle; Ferry, Fawzi ; Toussaint, Lucette
2021Knowledge, attitude and practice of influenza vaccination among Lebanese parents: A cross-sectional survey from a developing countryZakhour, Ramia; Tamim, Hani; Faytrouni, Farah; Khoury, Joanne; Makki, Maha; Charafeddine, Lama