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Showing results 26 to 45 of 7691 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011The A2iA-telecom paristech-UOB system for the ICDAR 2009 handwriting recognition competitionKermorvant, Christopher; Menasri, Fares; Bianne-Bernard, Anne-Laure; Hajj Mohamad, Ramy Al; Mokbel, Chafic ; Likforman-Sulem, Laurence
2018Abbasid concubines and slave courtesans in adab discourse: cultural mediators for an ethical appreciation of pleasureMoukheiber, Karen 
2015ABCB1 C3435T, Tacrolimus and kidney transplantationZouroub, Nahil
2018‘Abdallah Al-Nadim’s Political ProgramRihan, Mohammad 
2021Abemaciclib, a third CDK 4/6 inhibitor for the treatment of hormone receptor-positive, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-negative advanced or metastatic breast cancerEl Hachem, Georges; Gombos, Andrea; Awada, Ahmad
2009Above the nominal limit performance evaluation of multiwavelength optical code-division multiple-access systemsInaty, Elie ; Raad, Robert; Fortier, Paul; Shalaby, Hossam M. H.
2006Abraham in the Epistle of St Paul to the RomansArchimandrite Jack Khalil 
2013Absence d'intégration psychique de l'expérience sensorielle dans l'accouchement par Césarienne chez les femmes primiparesHabr, Nayla
2017The absence of an unqualified audit report and stock returnsMouallem, George
2018Absence of effect of the antiretrovirals duovir and viraday on mitochondrial bioenergeticsFadel, Jessy; Bahr, George M. ; Echtay, Karim 
2011The absorption chiller technology and its implementationHed, Nizar El
2008Abûnâ Yassâ: Un Pèlerinage Copte-Orthodoxe de Haute-Égypte Face aux Catholiques et aux MusulmansMayeur-Jaouen, Catherine
1-Jan-2015Academic Territorial Borders: A Look at the Writing Ethos in Business Courses in an Environment in Which English Is a Foreign LanguageAnnous, Samer ; Nicolas, Maureen O'Day 
2015Academic territorial orders: a look at the writing ethos in business courses in an environment in which english is a foreign languageAnnous, Samer ; Nicolas, Maureen O'Day 
1-Jan-2023Acanthamoeba and Pseudomonas Co-infection after Cataract SurgeryJabbour, Nour R.; Haddam, Majd S.; Chakik, Ghina F.El; Warrak, Rania N.
Aug-2022Access to Care for Mental Health Problems in Afghanistan: A National ChallengeKovess-Masfety, Viviane; Karam, Elie G.; Keyes, Katherine; Sabawoon, Ajmal; Sarwari, Bashir Ahmad
1-Jan-2021Access to Health Using Cell Phones by War RefugeesEl-Halabi, Soha; Atkins, Salla; Al-Soufi, Lana; Derrough, Tarik; Laflamme, Lucie; El-Khatib, Ziad
2007Accessibility of Co3O4 particles patterned in SBA-15Lopes, Irène; Hassan, Nissrine El ; Wallez, Gilles; Thomas , C.; Davidson, Anne
2002Account management web siteTayyem, Rabih G.; Youssef, Carol S. El-Hajj
2011Accounting for differences in standards of living between countries of the arab league : an augmented Solow modelDaia, Roula Al ; Saab, Gretta