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Showing results 565 to 584 of 7695 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2010Balancing chamber enhancements in hemodialysis machineAwde, Salim
2017Balancing of single phase loads in a low voltage power system at the distribution and unit levelFahim, Michella
2019Balancing single phase loads in a three phase system IITohme, Ramez; Najjar, Ralph Al
23-Aug-2024Balancing the mind: Toward a complete picture of the interplay between gut microbiota, inflammation and major depressive disorderNour Dabboussi; Debs, Esperance ; Marc Bouji; Rayane Rafei; Nassim Fares
2011Balconies: a mediterranean memoir by Mishka Mojabber MouraniKhairallah, Megan R. 
2008Bandwidth provisioning in internet access nodes using EWMA and ADM algorithmsInaty, Elie ; Sleiman, Marwan
2020Bank managers and technological advancement : case of a leading bank in the Lebanese marketNajjoum, Georges Habib
2014Bank size and financial ratios : Lebanon caseGhazzi, Badriya El; Cheikh Al-Najjarine, Farah; Kerdi, Marwa El
2017Banking secrecy and anti-money laundering: case study of lebanese banksSerhan, Carole ; Mikhael, Sandy; El Warrak, Silvana
2011Bankruptcy prediction models : discriminant analysis vs logistic regressionKanaan, Hassan; Melki, Fahim
2014Banks' stabilityBakhit, Wael; Bakhit, Salma 
2020Barbell back squat: how do resistance bands affect muscle activation and knee kinematics?Reece, Madeleine B.; Arnold, Graham P; Nasir, Sadiq; Wang, Weijie W; Abboud, Rami 
1-Jun-2024Barefoot pressure distribution of diabetic patients and non-diabetic volunteer subjects after sensorimotor training with an unstable shoe constructionMaetzler, M; Bochdansky, T; Wang, W; Abboud, Rami 
2006Barriers facing female employees attempting to reach leadership positionsGhazi, Nidal
2024Barriers toward xenotransplantation in Arab WorldGhazi, Maya; Saleh, Aalaa; Abdallah, Malak; El Masri, Diala; El Masri, Jad; El Ayoubi, Lemir Majed; Hawi, Jihad ; Jurjus, Abdo
2022Baseline assessment for microplastics in the white seabream diplodus sargus and in marine sediments in Lebanese coastal watersDaoud, Catherina
13-Jan-2022Baseline procalcitonin as a predictor of bacterial infection and clinical outcomes in COVID-19: A case-control studyAtallah, Natalie J; Warren, Hailey M; Roberts, Matthew B; Elshaboury, Ramy H; Bidell, Monique R; Gandhi, Ronak G; Adamsick, Meagan; Ibrahim, Maryam K; Sood, Rupali; Bou Zein Eddine, Savo; Cobler-Lichter, Matthew J; Alexander, Natalie J; Timmer, Kyle D; Atallah, Christine J; Viens, Adam L; Panossian, Vahe S; Scherer, Allison K; Proctor, Teddie; Smartt, Sherrie; Letourneau, Alyssa R; Paras, Molly L; Johannes, Sascha; Wiemer, Jan; Mansour, Michael K
2011Bases moléculaires de l'expression des sites fragiles communs humains : rôle dans l'instabilité génomique et la progression tumoraleAchkar, Eliane El 
2007Basketball scoreboardMajzoub, Haytham; Moussa, Mohammad
2007Batch treatment of saccharomyces cerevisiae suspensions by moderate pulsed electric field: effects of temperature and agitationZakhem, Henri El ; Lanoisellé, Jean-Louis; Lebovka, Nikolai I.; Nonus, Maurice; Vorobiev, Eugene