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Showing results 4580 to 4599 of 7697 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013Multidisciplinary approaches in engineering education for global environment: earthquake engineering from multidisciplinary to global approachMakhoul, Nisrine
2012Multidisciplinary projects supported by modern educational techniques: the case of "UOB recycles"Jadayel, Roula; Iaaly, Amal ; Jadayel, Oussama Chafiq
30-Jun-2022Multidisciplinary supportive care in systemic light chain amyloidosisMaroun, Bou Zerdan; Allam, Sabine; Chaulagain, Chakra P
2018Multidrug-resistant enterobacteriaceae in lebanese hospital wastewater: implication in the one health conceptDaoud, Ziad; Farah, Jina; Sokhn, Salem Elie; Dahdouh, Elias; Kfoury, Khalil El; Masri, Khalil; Afif, Claude; Abdel-Massih, Roula; Matar, Ghassan M.
2013Multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacilli in hospital wastewater of a third world country in transitionKfoury, Khalil El; Abdel-Massih, Roula; Salem , S.E; Afif, Claude; Daoud, Ziad
23-Jun-2022The multifaceted function of rubrics as formative assessment tools: A classroom-based action research in an L2 writing contextKhairallah, Megan; Adra, Omar M. 
2004Multifunction digital telephony deviceAkl, Charbel J.; Richa , Majdi Y.
2017Multifunctional parliament building : static and seismic analysisAdawieh, Ouday; Zaarour, Elie
2010A multilayered solid element used to model composite delaminationTawk, Issam ; Ferrero, Jean-Francois; Barrau, Jean-Jacques; Abdullah, E; Sudre, M
2009Multimedia based multi-level classroomAji, Sawmar; Sarkis , Sassine
2002Multimodal 3-D image registration of MRI - SPECT volume imagesTzanakos, Georges; Abche, Antoine ; Micheli-Tzanakou, E.; Stahl, Theodore; Wan, Xiaoming; Yudd, Tony
2022Multimodal bridge for conversational agentsAbdel Massih, Hanna
2008Multimodal human machine interactions in virtual and augmented realityChollet, Gérard; Esposito, Anna; Gentes, Annie; Horain, Patrick; Karam, Walid ; Li, Zhenbo; Pelachaud, Catherine; Perrot, Patrick; Petrovska-Delacretaz, Dijana; Zhou, Dianle; Zouari, Leila
1999Multimodality image registration of 3-D volume images acquired by different imaging modalitiesAbche, Antoine ; Tzanakos, Georges; Micheli-Tzanakou, E.; Wan, Xiaoming; Yudd, Tony; Stahl, Theodore
2016Multinational companies in Lebanon : standardized or localized performance appraisal practices?Fakhouri, Cynthia El; Roufael, Rihab; Monla, Salma
2021Multiorgan infarcts from aortic thromboembolic diseaseEid, Sarah B; Raad, Roy A; Joubran, Najat I
2011Multiple approaches in performance assessment of UAE commercial banksTamimi, Hussein A. Al-; Charif, Husni 
2014Multiple optimization of chemical and textural properties of roasted expanded purple maize using response surface methodologyMrad, Rachelle; Debs, Esperance ; Saliba, Rachad; Maroun, Richard G.; Louka, Nicolas
2014Multiple optimization of chemical components and texture of purple maize expanded by IVDV treatment using the response surface methodologyMrad, Rachelle; Debs, Esperance ; Maroun, Richard G.; Louka, Nicolas
2002Multirate optical fast frequency hopping CDMA system using power controlInaty, Elie ; Shalaby, Hossam M. H.; Fortier, Paul; Rusch, Leslie A