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Showing results 2833 to 2852 of 7366 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Highly active and stable Ni/SBA-15 catalysts prepared by a "two solvents" method for dry reforming of methaneKaydouh, Marie-Nour; Hassan, Nissrine El ; Davidson, Anne; Casale, Sandra; Zakhem, Henri El ; Massiani, Pascale
27-May-2023A Highly Efficient Computer Vision Approach for Tennis Ball Retrieval with Limited Computational PowerWahidi, Malek; Imad, Rodrigue ; Rishmany, Jihad 
Jan-2023Highly efficient scallop seashell-derived catalyst for biodiesel production from sunflower and waste cooking oils: Reaction kinetics and effect of calcination temperature studiesNahas, Lea; Dahdah, Eliane; Aouad, Samer ; El Khoury, Bilal; Gennequin, Cedric; Abi Aad, Edmond; Estephane, Jane 
2014A highly reactive and stable Ru/Co6−xMgxAl2 catalyst for hydrogen production via methane steam reformingHomsi, Doris; Aouad, Samer ; Gennequin, Cédric; Aboukaïs, Antoine; Abi Aad, Edmond
2021A Highly Selective and Stable Ruthenium-Nickel Supported on Ceria Catalyst for Carbon Dioxide MethanationElia, Nathalie; Estephane, Jane ; Poupin, Christophe; Khoury, Bilal El ; Pirault-Roy, Laurence; Aouad, Samer ; Aad, Edmond Abi
3-Apr-2024Highly-stable Ni–Zn catalyst on USY zeolite support for low temperature methane pyrolysisHamdan, Mohammad; Halawy, Layal; Hijazi, Ayman; Aouad, Samer ; Zeaiter, Joseph
2011Hip bone strength indices in overweight and control adolescent boysHage, Rawad El ; Theunynck, Denis; Jacob, Christophe ; Moussa, Elie ; Baddoura, Rafic; Kamlé, Pierre; Hage, Zaher El
2017Hisba: an ordering principle for an islamic way of lifeMoukheiber, Karen 
2018Histamine, paroxysmal AV block and low adenosine syncope a case reportWansa, Nader; Goethals, Peter; DeRoy, Luc
2021A Historic-Critical Reading of the Women Books in the Old Testament: Ruth, Esther, and JudithAyuch, Daniel 
2015Historical epidemiology of hepatitis C virus (HCV) in select countries - volume 3Liakina, V; Hamid, S; Tanaka, J; Olafsson, S; Sharara, A I; Alavian, S M; Gheorghe, L; El Hassan, E S; Abaalkhail, F; Abbas, Z; Abdou, A; Abourached, A; Al Braiki, F; Al Hosani, F; Al Jaberi, K; Al Khatry, M; Al Mulla, M A; Al Quraishi, H; Al Rifai, A; Al Serkal, Y; Alam, A; Alashgar, H I; Alawadhi, S; Al-Dabal, L; Aldins, P; Alfaleh, F Z; Alghamdi, A S; Al-Hakeem, R; Aljumah, A A; Almessabi, A; Alqutub, A N; Alswat, K A; Altraif, I; Alzaabi, M; Andrea, N; Assiri, A M; Babatin, M A; Baqir, A; Barakat, M T; Bergmann, O M; Bizri, A R; Blach, S; Chaudhry, A; Choi, M S; Diab, T; Djauzi, S; El Khoury, S; Estes, C; Fakhry, S; Farooqi, J I; Fridjonsdottir, H; Gani, R A; Ghafoor Khan, A; Goldis, A; Gottfredsson, M; Gregorcic, S; Hajarizadeh, B; Han, K H; Hasan, I; Hashim, A; Horvath, G; Hunyady, B; Husni, R; Jafri, W; Jeruma, A; Jonasson, J G; Karlsdottir, B; Kim, D Y; Kim, Y S; Koutoubi, Z; Lesmana, L A; Lim, Y S; Löve, A; Maimets, M; Makara, M; Malekzadeh, R; Matičič, M; Memon, M S; Merat, S; Mokhbat, J E; Mourad, F H; Muljono, D H; Nawaz, A; Nugrahini, N; Priohutomo, S; Qureshi, H; Rassam, P; Razavi, H; Razavi-Shearer, D; Razavi-Shearer, K; Rozentale, B; Sadik, M; Saeed, K; Salamat, A; Salupere, R; Sanai, F M; Sanityoso Sulaiman, A; Sayegh, R A; Schmelzer, J D; Sibley, A; Siddiq, M; Siddiqui, A M; Sigmundsdottir, G; Sigurdardottir, B; Speiciene, D; Sulaiman, A; Sultan, M A; Taha, M; Tarifi, H; Tayyab, G; Tolmane, I; Ud Din, M; Umar, M; Valantinas, J; Videčnik-Zorman, J; Yaghi, C; Yunihastuti, E; Yusuf, M A; Zuberi, B F; Gunter, J
2005Historique du prélèvement fiscal au Mont-Liban au XVII et XIX sièclesSlim, Souad 
2014History and collective memory in three novelsZaitoun, Laila
2017A history of stability and change in Lebanon: foreign interventions and international relationsBayeh, Joseph
2017History of the Silk RoadXin, Ning; Jingjing, Liao
1999A History of Time in Mount Lebanon, 1860-1914Khater, Akram
2016HMM-based arabic handwritten cursive recognition systemHajj Mohamad, Ramy Al; Mokbel, Chafic 
2014Holcim quarrying cost estimationKhazma, Mahmoud; Abed, Kamal El
2021A holistic and systematic assessment of maintenance approaches in heritage sitesAl-Sakkaf, Abobar; El-Zahab, Samer; Abdelkader, Eslam Mohammed; Alfalah, Ghasan
16-Jan-2021A Holistic methodology for lifecycle energy consumption of heritage buildingsAl-Sakkaf, A.; Abdelkader, E. M.; El-Zahab, Samer; Bagchi, A.; Zayed, T.