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Showing results 2793 to 2812 of 7695 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
30-Jun-2023Frequency and mutational spectrum of PIK3CA gene mutations in breast cancer patients: Largest and first report from LebanonHamadeh, Lama N; Farhat, Lama; Hilal, Lamia; Assi, Hazem; Nasr, Fadi; Chahine, Georges; Kattan, Joseph; Farhat, Fadi; Kourie, Hampig; El Hachem, Georges; Ghosn, Marwan; El Saghir, Nagi; Chamseddine, Nabil; Finianos, Antoine; Ghanem, Hady; Younes, Ahmad; Gerges, Dany Abi; Temraz, Sally; Haidar, Mohammad; Nabhan, Therese; Chamseddine, Ali; Tfayli, Arafat; Zaatari, Ghazi; Mahfouz, Rami
2016Fresh graduates retention: a review of literatureSerhan, Carole ; Tsangari, Haritini; Bengoa, Dolores Sanchez; Makdessi, Selim
2016Friction and wear reductions in fluorinated plain and fully formulated oils through enhanced heating time using moderate loading under boundary lubrication conditionsNehme, Gabi 
2017Fringe benefits impact on employee engagement at the University of BalamandCheikh, Lara El; Nasr, Stephanie
2019From a culture of borders to borders of cultures: nationalism and the "clash of civilizations" in international relations theoryBayeh, Joseph; Baltos, Georgios C.
2010From a Russian Guberniya to Part of Finland: The Legislative Position of the Orthodox Church and People in the Grand Duchy of Finland in the Nineteeth CenturyLaitila, Teuvo
2023From aging to youthful glow : harnessing the power of fibroblast growth factor (FGF) in umbilical cord tissues secretome for skin rejuvenationHani, Rita
Sep-2024From Homo Sedentarius to Homo Peregrinator: The Nomadic Nature of Humanity in Luke-ActsAyuch, Daniel Alberto 
2015From muslim privilege to christian & foreign privilege in ottoman SyriaHaddad, Mahmoud
2002From Neutrality to Critic of British Mandate Policy: Anglican Women Teachers and the Arab-Jewish Conflict in Palestine, 1936-1948Okkenhaug, Inger-Marie
2017From Open Source Technologies to Sustainable DevelopmentMelki, Antoine 
2024From seed to plate : a culinary journeyKatrjian, Serli
2013From solid waste to energy: an application strategy for LebanonManneh, Rima ; Makarian, D; Hamzeh, Tarek; Zakhem, Henri El 
1-Dec-2024From Spent Black and Green Tea to Potential Health Boosters: Optimization of Polyphenol Extraction and Assessment of Their Antioxidant and Antibacterial ActivitiesHarfoush, Ahlam; Swaidan, Aseel; Khazaal, Salma; Salem Sokhn, Elie; Grimi, Nabil; Debs, Esperance ; Louka, Nicolas; El Darra, Nada
2015From sustainable to resilient and smart citiesMakhoul, Nisrine
2022From the Light of Prayer to Pastoral Theology: Aspects of Episcopal Ministry in the Writings of Saint Ephrem the SyrianNassif, Bassam A. 
2014From Venice to Aleppo: Early Printing of Scripture in the Orthodox WorldKilpatrick, Hilary
1-Dec-2023From waste to resource: utilizing municipal solid waste incineration bottom ash and recycled rubber in pervious concrete pavementNasser Eddine, Zeinab; Barraj, Firas ; Khatib, Jamal; Elkordi, Adel
8-Jun-2022Frontiers of Ferroptosis in Cancer TreatmentDurr-e-shahwar Malik; Mirna Azalea Romero; Saiyada Fatima Maida Halim; Deena Elsori; Youssef, Lara ; Yulaevna, Ishmuratova Margarita; Sabitaliyevich, Uteuliyev Yerzhan; Attar, Rukset
1-Jan-2019Fudging the boundaries between concept(s) of race, class, and religion: The two cases of Donald Trump and Lothrop StoddardHaddad, Mahmoud