Browsing by Subject Menopause

Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012The association of menopausal status with physical function : The Study of Womens Health Across the Nation (SWAN)Tseng, Lisa A.; Khoudary, Samar R. El; Young, Elizabeth A.; Farhat, Ghada N.
2014DXA-based variables and osteoporotic fractures in lebanese postmenopausal womenAyoub, Marie-Louise; Maalouf, Ghassan; Bachour, Falah; Barakat, Angelique; Cortet, Bernard; Legroux-Gérout, Isabelle; Zunquin, Gautier; Theunynck, Denis; Nehme, Alexandre; Hage, Rawad El 
1-Oct-2024Effects of two types of resistance training modalities (hypertrophy vs. contrast training) on bone parameters in a group of healthy elderly womenAbdul-Al, Obaida; Zunquin, Gautier; Hage, Rawad El 
2018Indices géométriques de résistance osseuse de la hanche chez des femmes ménopausées sarcopéniques et des femmes ménopausées ayant un indice de masse maigre appendiculaire normalFayad, Ibrahim
2020Sarcopenia negatively affects hip structure analysis variables in a group of Lebanese postmenopausal womenSaddik, Hayman; Nasr, Riad; Watelain, Eric; Pinti, Antonio; Fayad, Ibrahim; Baddoura, Rafic; Berro, Abdel Jalil; Rassy, Nathalie Al; Lespessailles, Eric; Toumi, Hechmi; Hage, Rawad El