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Showing results 622 to 641 of 674 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Tax evasion in Lebanon : investigating the dynamics of Cressey's hypothesisMikhael, Mariam; Nasr, Sandra; Youssef, Elias
2020Teach for Lebanon : a case study of the fellowship curriculum in alignment with national and international educational needsObeid, Abeer
2022Teacher, student, and parent perceptions of homework during remote learning : a case study of a Lebanese private schoolZouhbie, Eman
2024Teachers' attitudes and challenges towards inclusive education in community-based early childhood education centers in LebanonSabra, Abir
2021Teachers' practices and students' and parents' perceptions of homework in Arabic and French language classes : a case study of a Lebanese private schoolNajjar, Reine Al
2019Teaching addition concept according to the conceptual fields of vergnaud for the elementary level (Grade 4) using an EbookOsmani, Imad
2024Teaching online during the pandemic : teachers’ perspectives and practices through the lens of transformative learning theoryHamidi, Afaf
2020Teaching science through an animated lens : a case study in an elementary school in LebanonYounes, Yara
2023Terrorist representation of muslim vs. Non-muslim perpetrators in the UK and North American news coverage : the cases of Orlando Pulse and Christchurch mosque shootingsHabib, Amy
2021Tests of independence : a state of artFrangieh, Charbel
2021Télé Liban-New VisionDannawi, Rita
2024Time risk analysis in architectural design : a case study of THP architects' international projectsNaghi, Ania
2022Towards implementing a quality management system in an academic biomedical research laboratoryFarah, Maya J.
2024Tracing the history of environmental pollution using a dendrochemical approach : the case of Chekka, LebanonAude, Ibrahim
2020Transfer of learning from the IB Primary Years Programme Professional Development Model : a case study in the Lebanese contextMouchantaf, Lina
2019Translating Dark Souls from english to arabic : Skopos and proper name domestication in role-playing gamesMansour, Rousslan
2021Transportation management for the caza of BcharreKareh, Jason
2021Transportation management for the caza of ZghartaYamin, Paul
2021Transportation management system for public transportation plan in Koura cazaKhalife, Rayan
2021Trends in the perceived causes of physical, hearing and visual impairments among children in LebanonKaram, Valerie