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Showing results 579 to 598 of 674 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Signature recognition using majority votingAoude, Fadi
2021A six dimension framework guiding teacher dialogues with EFL students about microlevel and macrolevel errors in their writingKozaiha, Fadi
2021Smart grid technology IEEE 6-bus power systemNakhel, Paul
2023Smoking prevention for secondary high school students in Borj Al-BarajinahZeineddine, Jaafar
2022Solid waste management in Btouratij using geographic information systemIssa, George
2019SOP development intervention at the blood bank section at laboratory XHariri, Hiba
2018Speciation and antifungal susceptibility profiles of candida species in Lebanon : a nation-wide studyMahfouz, Youssef
2023Star Academy - 20th anniversaryAbdo, Diane E.
2022Start-up hub in TripoliSabsaby, Amar
2020Statistical analysis of reflectance signals for corrugated sheets roof tops - ChekkaFares, Noura
2023Statistical investigation for the impact of air pollution on the nutritional composition of olive oilAbdallah, Joudi
2021Stiffness evaluation of steel rolled shapes strengthened with high-strength fiber reinforced cementitious stripsMourad, Guitta
2021A stochastic detailed cyclone model for simulation of the jackhammer and the evaluation of productivityMaroun, Khalil
2021A stone of hope : Juvenile Correctional Facility ; (J.C.F)Kassaa, Dana
2023Strategies employed by Lebanese women to sustain their businesses during multiple crisesRemlaoui, Barbara; Moussa, Mirna; Antoun, Nicole
2022Strength and durability of metakaolin-based geopolymer concreteGhauch, Alexandre
2023Strengthening of beams with natural fibers composite materialsJabbour, Collen
2022Strengthening of reinforced concrete beams weak in flexure using high-performance fiber reinforced concrete plating through finite element analysisKanaan, James
2022Strengthening of reinforced concrete members using high-performance concrete (HPC) and fiber reinforced plastic (FRP)Fares, Nathalie
2023Strengthening reinforced concrete beams weak in shear using in-house made HPFRC platesHamati, Gabriel