Browsing by Subject University of Balamand--Dissertations

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Showing results 254 to 273 of 674 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Exploring keratin extraction from Lebanese organic waste and their potential applications as hydrogels for cell cultureNehme, Jules
2024Exploring technology use in elementary reading EFL classrooms : a case-study in a Lebanese schoolLahib, Rajaa
2021Exploring the anxiety levels of frontliners working in the emergency rooms in North Lebanon hospitals during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemicHamzeh, Dayana
2021Exploring the managerial challenge encountered by university of Balamand professors due to the sudden shift of telecommutingJamaleddine, Rola
2022Exploring the occurrence of maltreatment in children in Lebanon during covid-19Khlat, Marianne
2024Exploring the potential therapeutic effect of heat-killed mycobacterium aurum on glycemic management and glucose metabolism in streptozotocin-induced diabetic BALB/c miceHakam, Hanin-Khaula
2024Exploring the relationships between quarantine stressors, COVID-19 severity, pre-existing vulnerabilities, and first psychotic symptoms in COVID-19 survivors in North LebanonTrad, Yara
2025Exploring theory of mind abilities in Lebanese chronic schizophrenic patients using the Arabic translation of the tom-15 : a cross-sectional study
2022External audit quality in a disruptive environment : challenging the current pandemicHariz, Bassem; Saad, Sarkis
2021Extraction of phenolic compounds from bigarade (Citrus aurantium L.) Leaves using water bath and infrared irradiation : determination of the antioxidant and antibacterial activities of extractsMaksoud, Sawssan
2020Extraction of polyphenols from bigarade (Citrus aurantium L.) leaves using water bath and ultrasoundHaddad, Jean Claude
2025Extraction of polyphenols from bigarade (citrus Aurantium L.) leaves using water bath and ultrasoundAasar, Bayan
2019A face recognition system : a novel non-negative matrix factorization based approachKhnayzir, John; Abboud, Elie
2019Facets of dispositional mindfulness and perceived stress in Lebanese adolescentsStephan, Nicole Lyn
2021Factors affecting enterprise risk management readiness in hospitals : a survey in North Lebanon and AkkarGereige, Maria
2021Factors of delay and cost overrun in negotiated contracts in the precast industry in LebanonMoubarak, Youssef
2023Factors that influence brand loyalty during times of economic depression in LebanonMaassarani, Yara; Obeid, Kareem
2024Family functioning in Lebanon : a circumplex model approachBarhoun, Joelle El
2022Fault analysis on a smart gridGhattas, Fouad
2018Feasibility of underground earthquake braceletGerges, Amal