Browsing by Subject University of Balamand--Dissertations

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Showing results 198 to 217 of 674 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Effect of soil fraction between sieve no 40 and no 200 on the soil atterberg limitsHajjeh, Joelle; Ayoub, Mariane
2022The effect of teaching mathematics in a second language on Lebanese students' conceptual understanding and higher levels of thinkingKadi, Wafaa El-
2024The effect of the current procurement process on the milestones of the green building projects within Saudi Arabian vision 2030Assaad, Mohamad
2023Effect offull [sic] off full body vs. split body training on maximal strength (1RM) in young adultsBakhach, Abdul Wahab
2023Effective internal control elements in the Iraqi public sector : an exploratory study of the Iraqi government sectorBahbahanee, Noor Al-
2021The effectiveness of online learning of accounting in Lebanese universities during the covid-19 pandamic [sic] pandemicSakr, Talal; Nasr, Ibrahim
2021The effectiveness of specific workshops on improving cycle two teachers' teaching practiceKalassina, Mariam
2024Effects of CFRP Configuration on Strengthening Beams for ShearMansour, Charles
2023Effects of Citrus Aurantium leaves extract on cytokines levels in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of BALB/C MICEKattour, Naim
2019Effects of differentiated instruction on students' achievement, attitude, and engagement in an upper elementary math classroomsKhattar, Nour Chawki
2023Effects of expanded polystyrene on the concrete hardened propertiesFayad, Elias
2022The effects of HIV status disclosure and social support on depressive symptoms among males who have sex with males living with HIV in LebanonHanna, Ghada
2022Effects of including the gypsum component in reinforced beamsGermanos, Anthony
2022The effects of ribosomal protein S3 (RPS3) suppression on inflammatory cytokine levels in colorectal cancerMoufarreg, Jaine
2023The efficacy of virtual reality exposure therapy in reducing PTSD symptoms among patients who are traumatized due to Beirut explosionComair, Rita
2023The efficiency of guided imagery in reducing anxiety in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic, and economic crisis among lebanese grade 10 and 11 studentsHallab, Loubna
2022El-Mina Tripoli train station revitalisationFallah, Ivan
2021Elaboration and characterization of nickel and/or ruthenium based catalysts for CO2 valorization through the methanation or the dry reforming of methane reactionsMahfouz, Rita
2022Elite interests and the use of sectarianism in postwar LebanonKammoun, Saher
2024Emotional intelligence between internet gaming disorder and social anxietySaridar, Tamara