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Showing results 4 to 13 of 13 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Aug-2024Effect of modified Triethanolamine on grinding efficiency and performance of cementitious materialsKaya, Yahya; Kobya, Veysel; Mardani, Ali; Assaad, Joseph 
2020Parametric study on polymer-modified pigmented cementitious overlays for colored applicationsAssaad, Joseph ; Nasr, Dana ; Chwaifaty, Stephanie; Tawk, Tarek
2020Regression models to predict workability and strength of flowable concrete containing recycled aggregatesSaba, Marianne ; Homsi, Farah; Gerges, Najib N. ; Assaad, Joseph 
2019Regression models to predict workability and strength of flowable concrete containing recycles aggregatesSabatini, Marina E; Homsi, Farah; Gerges, Najib N. ; Assaad, Joseph 
2021Rheology of Fiber-Reinforced High-Strength Grout Modified with Polymer LatexesAssaad, Joseph ; Khayat, Kamal H.
2019Stability of self-consolidating concrete containing different viscosity modifiersMechaymech, Ahmad; Assaad, Joseph 
2019Styrene-butadiene rubber modified cementitious grouts for embedding anchors in humid environmentAssaad, Joseph ; Gerges, Najib N. 
2020Suitability of metakaolin-based geopolymers for masonry plasteringAssaad, Joseph ; Saba, Marianne 
2020Suitability of metakaolin-based geopolymers for underwater applicationsHwalla, Joud; Saba, Marianne ; Assaad, Joseph 
2020Value-added waste latex paints in masonry cement for plastering applicationsAssaad, Joseph