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Showing results 5 to 8 of 8 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Production of Portland cement clinker from French Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Bottom AshKleib, Joelle; Aouad, Georges ; Abriak, Nor Edine; Benzerzour, Mahfoud
7-Sep-2022Recycling of Flash-Calcined Dredged Sediment for Concrete 3D PrintingDaher, Jana; Kleib, Joelle; Benzerzour, Mahfoud; Abriak, Nor Edine; Aouad, Georges 
2011Service learning and scholarship: experimental learning and community partnership for common goodJadayel, Roula; Iaaly, Amal ; Jadayel, Oussama Chafiq
2019Sorting and miniaturization of household wasteSabiini, Guitta; Rishmany, Jihad