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Showing results 113 to 132 of 184 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
4-Oct-2024Pain Self-Management in Individuals With Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain During Lebanon's Overlapping CrisesMakhoul, Melissa; Noureddine, Samar; Abu-Saad Huijer, Huda ; Bartley, Emily J.; Booker, Staja Q.; Uthman, Imad
2016Pb, Cd and Cu distribution and mobility in marine sediments from two ports in Lebanon: Beirut army navel port and Tripoli fishing portAbi Ghanem, Carine; Mahfouz, Celine; Khalaf, Gaby; Najjar, Elie; Zakhem, Henri El ; Manneh, Rima 
24-Jun-2024Perceived advantages and drawbacks of teleworking during the economic crisis and COVID-19: A cross-sectional study among university degree holdersHaddad, Chadia; Zakhour, Maha; Sacre, Hala; Karam, Joanne ; El Khatib, Sami; Akel, Marwan; Salameh, Pascale
8-Apr-2022Plants used in Lebanon and the Middle East as AntimicrobialsAbdel-Massih, Roula M.; El Beyrouthy, Marc
2021PM2.5 characterization of primary and secondary organic aerosols in two urban-industrial areas in the East MediterraneanFadel, Marc; Ledoux, Frédéric; Farhat, Mariana; Kfoury, Adib ; Courcot, Dominique; Afif, Charbel
2021The potential of telemental health in improving access to mental health services in Lebanon: Analysis of barriers, opportunities, and recommendationsNaal, Hady; Mahmoud, Hossam; Whaibeh, Emile
2010Predictors of coping in parents of children with an intellectual disability: comparison between Lebanese mothers and fathersAzar, Mathilde ; Badr, Lina Kurdahi
2010A preliminary evaluation of the inorganic chemical composition of atmospheric TSP in the Selaata region, North LebanonYammine, Paolo ; Kfoury, Adib ; Khoury, Bilal El ; Noual, H; Nakat, Hanna El ; Ledoux, Frédéric; Cazier, Fabrice; Courcot, Dominique; Aboukaïs, Antoine
18-Jan-2024Prevalence of anxiety and depression among Lebanese women using oral contraceptives: a cross-sectional studyJaafar, Kamel; Nabhan, Elias; Daoud, Rama; Nasser, Zeina
8-Sep-2023PRevalence of the Eosinophilic Phenotype Among SeveRE asthma patients in Lebanon: results of the PREPARE studyAbi Saleh, Wajdi; Alameh, Zuhair; Aoun Bacha, Zeina; Bahous, Joudy; Bou Khalil, Pierre; Chahine, Zahia; Chami, Hassan; Dabar, Georges; Dheiny, Hassan; Dib, Alfred; Farhat, Dany; Irani, Carla; Juvelekian, Georges; Kanj, Nadim; Mansour, Bassam; Riachi, Moussa; Waked, Mirna; Yassine, Mohamad; Youakim, Carole; Zeinedine, Salah; Zaitoun, Fares
2014Principals' views on teachers' professional developmentNabhani, Mona; Nicolas, Maureen O'Day ; Bahous, Rima
2012Prioritising coastal zone management issues through fuzzy cognitive mapping approachMeliadou, Aleka; Santoro, Francesca; Nader, Manal ; Abou Dagher, Manale ; Indary, Shadi A. ; Abi Salloum, Bachir
3-Jan-2025Profile of maladaptive and normative eating behaviors in correlation with rumination: a cross-sectional study among Lebanese adultsAwad, Emmanuelle; Malaeb, Diana; Fawaz, Mirna; Youssef, Lara ; Brytek-Matera, Anna; Hallit, Souheil; Obeid, Sahar
2018Public sector employees' motivation: causes and effectsSerhan, Carole ; Achy, Eliane Al; Nicolas, Eva
Apr-2023QTc prolongation during levofloxacin and triazole combination chemoprophylaxis: Prevalence and predisposing risk factors in a cohort of hematopoietic cell transplantation recipientsMoghnieh, Rima; Khalil, Ahmad; Bizri, Nazih; Francis, Nadine; Imad, Sabine; Mezher, Maria; Mrad, Zahraa; Ibrahim, Jad; Zahran, Kamal; Farroukh, Farah; Itani, Malak; Assaad, Amani; Sinno, Loubna; Abdallah, Dania; Ibrahim, Ahmad
2016Real-time temperature monitoring for traditional gravel ballasted and extensive green roofs: a lebanese case studyBachawati, Makram El ; Manneh, Rima ; Belarbi, Rafik; Zakhem, Henri El 
2021The Realities of English Medium Instruction in Lebanon: Teachers’ and Students’ Perceptions of the Place of English Communication Skills in a Cultural Studies ProgramNicolas, Maureen O'Day ; Annous, Samer 
Jul-1995Reforming the public sector in Lebanon: Challenges and OpportunitiesKaram, Simon
2011Relative importance of lean mass and fat mass on bone mineral density in a group of Lebanese post-menopausal womenHage, Rawad El ; Jacob, Christophe ; Moussa, Elie ; Baddoura, Rafic