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Showing results 22 to 38 of 38 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023An in-depth analysis of factors influencing pilots' selection between auxiliary power units and external ground power units in the aviation industry, and tactical recommendations for optimized usage in a medium size Lebanese airline with a fleet of airbus A320Souaid, Elie
2023Leave anemia behind : anemia awareness campaignSabra, Mariana
2024Lebanese psychology majors : personality typesNasreddine, Sara Taha
2023Magnolia Officinalis extract modulates protein expression in insulin resistant DHEA-induced PCOS ratsAbedin, Yasamin
2024Modeling, simulation & analysis of the flow in a bubble columnWakim, Joseph
2024Numerical simulation of natural convection heat transfer across a roof with varying pitch angleHage, Rassil El
2023Occupational emergency plan for the Lebanese Red Cross’s blood transfusion sectorMneimneh, Rabie
2024Optimization of pervious concrete mixture incorporating recycled concrete aggregates, silica fume, and SBRTannouri, Perla
2023The perceived self-regulatory impact of quarantine on adolescenceFarha, Amal
2023Promoting occupational wellbeing in a non-governmental organization : empowering the staff of “teach for Lebanon”Zeineddine, Yasmine
2023Quantitative measurable model of employee satisfaction indexIsrawi, Shireen Al
2023Renovation of Latakia train stationAyoub, Angela
2023Selection of the best biodiesel blend among existing studies using AHP topsis approachFarah, Yorgo
2018Speciation and antifungal susceptibility profiles of candida species in Lebanon : a nation-wide studyMahfouz, Youssef
2023Triggers and patterns of aggression among children in cycle one at Dar Al Zahraa, Tripoli, LebanonMaamari, Dina
2024Ugarit reasearch [sic] research center and geust [sic] guest housesAbdelnour, Maud
2024Uncovering the in vitro immunomodulatory actions of heat-killed mycobacterium aurum on primary human monocytes and neutrophilsDib, Hanna