Browsing by Subject Thixotropy

Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Characterization of 3D printing mortars made with OPC/CSAKhalil, Noura; Rémonda, Sébastien; Baz, Bilal Adnan; Aouad, Georges 
2021Durability assessment and microstructural analysis of 3D printed concrete exposed to sulfuric acid environmentsBaz, Bilal; Aouad, Georges ; Kleib, Joelle; Bulteel, David; Remond, Sébastien
2021Form pressure characteristics of self-consolidating concrete used in repairAssaad, Joseph ; Khayat, Kamal H.
2020Mechanical assessment of concrete - Steel bonding in 3D printed elementsBaz, Bilal Adnan; Aouad, Georges ; Leblond, Philippe; Mansouri, Omar Al-; D'hondt, Melody; Rémonda, Sébastien
2018Regression models to predict SCC pressure exerted on formworks containing vertical and transverse reinforcing barsAssaad, Joseph ; Matar, Pierre
2021Rheology of Fiber-Reinforced High-Strength Grout Modified with Polymer LatexesAssaad, Joseph ; Khayat, Kamal H.
2018Suitability of static yield stress evolution to assess thixotropy of flowable cementitious materialsAssaad, Joseph 
2019Thixotropy and interfacial bond strengths of polymer-modified printed mortarsSakka, Fatima El; Assaad, Joseph ; Hamzeh, Farook R.; Nakhoul, Charbel
1-Jan-2024Use of Metakaolin and Slag Geopolymer Adhesives for Fixing TilesAssaad, Joseph ; Saba, Marianne