UOBScholar Hub
UOB Libraries created the UOBScholar Hub, an Institutional Repository (IR) for archiving and collecting all the research output of the UOB community. It aims to improve the visibility, usage and impact of research conducted at UOB. Materials included are: academic journal articles, conference papers and presentations, books and book chapters, ongoing research papers, reports and patents.
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Orthodox Theology
Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2013 | (96) Theological reflection on the relationship of scripture and tradition as an example of ecumenical learning | Ayuch, Daniel Alberto |
2023 | The Care of the Suffering in Luke-Acts | Ayuch, Daniel Alberto |
2007 | Chrysostom's Unveiling of a New Ethos : The Social-Action Teaching in His Four Sermons on Luke 16:19-31 | Ayuch, Daniel Alberto |
2022 | The House of God: The Orthodox Church in the Middle East and the Environment | Nassif, Bassam A. |
2012 | Inspiration in the bible: an orthodox perspective | Ayuch, Daniel Alberto |
2021 | La chisea corpo do Cristo e i carismi del del popolo di dio | Nassif, Bassam A. |
1-Sep-2022 | La Septuaginta en la tradición ortodoxa | Ayuch, Daniel Alberto |
2017 | The liberation power of the gospel. The healing of young people narratives and their message | Ayuch, Daniel Alberto |
12-Jun-2024 | O Mistério do Casamento entre a Desconstrução: Um diálogo entre a antropologia ortodoxa e perspectivas pós-modernas | Nassif, Bassam A. |
2012 | Padri della Chiesa ed ermeneutica biblica | Ayuch, Daniel Alberto |
2012 | The prayer of Manasses: orthodox tradition and modern studies in dialogue | Ayuch, Daniel Alberto |
22-Nov-2024 | The Pursuit of Happiness down from Jerusalem: The Parable of the Good Samaritan in the Light of the Kingdom | Ayuch, Daniel Alberto |
2015 | The synoptic gospels and family: fundaments to restore Its deteriorated values | Ayuch, Daniel Alberto |
2022 | الحبكات المتوازية في سرد الأناجيل الإزائيّة، دورها ورسالتها في تطوير الرواية | عيوش، دانيال |
2024 | ذكَرًا وَأُنْثَى خَلَقَهُمَا: هويّة الإنسان أمام طروحات معاصرة | ناصيف، بسام |