Browsing by Subject Orthodox Theology

Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013(96) Theological reflection on the relationship of scripture and tradition as an example of ecumenical learningAyuch, Daniel Alberto 
2023The Care of the Suffering in Luke-ActsAyuch, Daniel Alberto 
2007Chrysostom's Unveiling of a New Ethos : The Social-Action Teaching in His Four Sermons on Luke 16:19-31Ayuch, Daniel Alberto 
2022The House of God: The Orthodox Church in the Middle East and the EnvironmentNassif, Bassam A. 
2012Inspiration in the bible: an orthodox perspectiveAyuch, Daniel Alberto 
2021La chisea corpo do Cristo e i carismi del del popolo di dioNassif, Bassam A. 
1-Sep-2022La Septuaginta en la tradición ortodoxaAyuch, Daniel Alberto 
2017The liberation power of the gospel. The healing of young people narratives and their messageAyuch, Daniel Alberto 
12-Jun-2024O Mistério do Casamento entre a Desconstrução: Um diálogo entre a antropologia ortodoxa e perspectivas pós-modernasNassif, Bassam A. 
2012Padri della Chiesa ed ermeneutica biblicaAyuch, Daniel Alberto 
2012The prayer of Manasses: orthodox tradition and modern studies in dialogueAyuch, Daniel Alberto 
22-Nov-2024The Pursuit of Happiness down from Jerusalem: The Parable of the Good Samaritan in the Light of the KingdomAyuch, Daniel Alberto 
2015The synoptic gospels and family: fundaments to restore Its deteriorated valuesAyuch, Daniel Alberto 
2022الحبكات المتوازية في سرد الأناجيل الإزائيّة، دورها ورسالتها في تطوير الروايةعيوش، دانيال 
2024ذكَرًا وَأُنْثَى خَلَقَهُمَا: هويّة الإنسان أمام طروحات معاصرةناصيف، بسام