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Showing results 36 to 55 of 141 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020An eco-friendly process for the preservation of natural nutritious sproutsFrancis, Helga; Debs, Esperance ; Maroun, Richard G.; Louka, Nicolas
1-Jan-2024Effect of a Thermomechanical Pretreatment Coupled to Sulfuric Acid or Sodium Hydroxide Catalysis on Physicochemical Properties and Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Alfa Fibers (Stipa tenacissima L.)Rezzoug, Zoulikha; Debs, Esperance ; Semhaoui, Imane; Zarguili, Ikbal; Maugard, Thierry; Louka, Nicolas; Assaf, Jean claude ; Nouviaire, Armelle; Conforto, Egle; Rezzoug, Sid Ahmed
2014The effect of Leishmania major infection on atherogenesis and cytokines pattern in resistant and susceptible miceKaram, Marc 
2019Effect of myeloperoxidase modified LDL on bovine and human aortic endothelial cellsSamad, Ghadir AbdelLatif El; Bazzi, Samer ; Karam, Marc ; Boudjeltia, Karim Zouaoui; Vanhamme, Luc; Daher, Jalil 
2020Effect of myeloperoxidase modified LDL on bovine and human aortic endothelial cellsDaher, Jalil 
Feb-2022The effect of myeloperoxidase-oxidized LDL on THP-1 macrophage polarization and repolarizationBazzi, Samer ; Frangie, Christian; Azar, Eliana; Daher, Jalil 
2018EGF-induced MAPK-mediated calpain2 activation triggers a neuroprotective priming mechanism against oxygen-glucose deprivation: implication of AMPAR downregulation and degradation of their scaffolding PDZ proteinsJourdi, Hussam ; Kobeissy, Firas H.; Daou, A.
2013eIF4F suppression in breast cancer affects maintenance and progressionNasr, Zeina ; Robert, F.; Porco Jr, John A; Muller, WJ; Pelletier, J.
2016Elevation-layered dendroclimatic signal in eastern mediterranean tree ringsTouchan, Ramzi; Shishov, Vladimir V; Tychkov, Ivan I; Sivrikaya, Fatih; Attieh, Jihad 
2018Emerging technologies for the extraction of polyphenols from natural sourcesMaroun, Richard G.; Rajha, Hiba N.; Darra, Nada El; Kantar, Sally El; Chacar, Stéphanie; Debs, Esperance ; Vorobiev, Eugene; Louka, Nicolas
2021Endothelial dysfunction and covid-19 (Review)Daher, Jalil 
1-Jan-2024Enhancing spatiotemporal paleoclimate reconstructions of hydroclimate across the Mediterranean over the last millenniumAnchukaitis, Kevin J.; Touchan, Ramzi; Meko, David M.; Kherchouche, Dalila; Slimani, Said; Sivrikaya, Fatih; Ilmen, Rachid; Mitsopoulos, Ioannis; Stephan, Jean; Attieh, Jihad ; Hasnaoui, Foued; Camarero, J. Julio; Sánchez-Salguero, Raúl; Guibal, Frederic; Piermattei, Alma; Christou, Andreas; Krcmaric, Jordan; Cook, Benjamin I.
1-Apr-2024Enhancing Wheat Sprout Attributes Using “Intensification of Vaporization by Decompression to the Vacuum”, an Innovative Drying–Texturizing TechnologyFrancis, Helga; Debs, Esperance ; Maroun, Richard G.; Louka, Nicolas
2017Expanding the kinome world: a new protein kinase family widely conserved in bacteriaNguyen, Hien-Anh; Khoury, Takla El; Guiral, Sébastien; Laaberki, Maria-Halima; Candusso, Marie-Pierre; Attieh, Jihad 
2016Experimental investigation of new stressful conditions inducing site-specific breakages at human common fragile sites.Achkar, Eliane El 
2017Fragile sites and cancer: molecular determination of an Inter-individual variability in the expression frequency of the human common fragile site FRA16DAchkar, Eliane El 
1-Dec-2024From Spent Black and Green Tea to Potential Health Boosters: Optimization of Polyphenol Extraction and Assessment of Their Antioxidant and Antibacterial ActivitiesHarfoush, Ahlam; Swaidan, Aseel; Khazaal, Salma; Salem Sokhn, Elie; Grimi, Nabil; Debs, Esperance ; Louka, Nicolas; El Darra, Nada
2020Genetic screening of apis mellifera subspecies in Lebanon using mitochondrial DNA testMerheb, Bashar; Homsi, Riyad Al; Chaddad, Amer; Nasr, Zeina 
2023Glucosinolates, a natural chemical arsenal: More to tell than the myrosinase storyAbdel-Massih, Roula M.; Debs, Esperance ; Othman, Leen; Attieh, Jihad; Cabrerizo, Franco M.
2010Glucosinolates: an efficient arsenal for defense in plants with good promise for health in humansAttieh, Jihad ; Barbar, Abir; Dabboussi, Fouad