Browsing by Author Maroun, Richard G.

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Showing results 15 to 20 of 20 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Optimization of polyphenols extraction from purple com cobs using ß-cyclodextrin as a green solventRajha, Hiba N.; Khabbaz, Stephanie; Abi Rached, Rita; Debs, Esperance ; Maroun, Richard G.; Louka, Nicolas
18-May-2022Sprouts Use as Functional Foods. Optimization of Germination of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), and Radish (Raphanus sativus L.) Seeds Based on Their Nutritional Content EvolutionFrancis, Helga; Debs, Esperance ; Mohamed Koubaa; Alrayess, Zeina; Maroun, Richard G.; Nicolas Louka
2017Système d'extraction, de séparation ou de traitement de produits à travers des rayons infrarouges. Adéquation entre les propriétés des rayons infrarouges et des produits traitésRajha, Hiba N.; Debs, Esperance ; Maroun, Richard G.; Louka, Nicolas M.
2019Valorization of olive (Olea europaea L.) leaves through recovery of bio-active moleculesDebs, Esperance ; Abi khattar, Anna Maria; Rajha, Hiba N.; Abdel-Massih, Roula; Maroun, Richard G.; Louka, Nicolas
1-Dec-2023Valorization of Olive Leaves through Polyphenol Recovery Using Innovative Pretreatments and Extraction Techniques: An Updated ReviewDebs, Esperance ; Abi Khattar, Anna Maria; Rajha, Hiba N.; Abdel-Massih, Roula M.; Assaf, Jean claude ; Koubaa, Mohamed; Maroun, Richard G.; LOUKA, Nicolas
2019Valorization of pomegranate peels using a combination of deep eutectic solvents with I-Red-Irrad® technologyRajha, Hiba N.; Debs, Esperance ; Maroun, Richard G.; Louka, Nicolas