Browsing by Author Karam, Wissam

Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Design and implementation of a rotating vertical climbing wallMakki, Ali; Tabchy, George; Said, Karim
2015Design of a bird deflector for an aircraft's jet engine (trent 900)Abou Haidar, Elie; Saikaly, Georges El
2014Design of a fire detection UAVKarimeh, Fouad; Chaabo, Ghassan
2013Dynamic study of velomobilesSerhan, Nahil; Abou Haidar, Rabih
2015Electrical green taxiing systemKhatib, Ibrahim El; Zeenny, Marc El
2014HVAC design for a deluxe villaChaddad, Charbel; Nader, Christian
2012Mini-Baja carChouaifaiti, Antoine; Rabbaa, Ati; Sawaya, Sami; Wehbe, Majd
2012Modeling of Canadian wellNachar, Mohamad Al; Sharaf Edine, Abdallah
2015Modeling the gyroscopic phenomenaKasshanna, Michel; Fadlallah, Youssef
2015Transportation alternatives at Kroum EhdenKhalifeh, Hassan; Marjaba, Bernard; Nassif, Patrick
2013Upgrading the design of a multifunction wheelchairDaoura, Michel; Chehade, Michel