Browsing by Author Hoz, Mervat El

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Showing results 67 to 86 of 105 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2002Municipal solid waste management in the caza of Al-kouraNassif, Hanna F.
2002Municipal solid waste management in TripoliHoz, Mervat El
2018Municipal solid waste management in urban cities: challenges and perspectivesHoz, Mervat El
2016Municipal solid waste management problems and sustainable solutions for coastal citiesHoz, Mervat El
2017Occurrence and source identification of PAHs in surface and groundwater of "Abou Ali" RiverJabali, Yasmine ; Hoz, Mervat El; Millet, Maurice
2013One of the 40 international experts that are invited to participate in the WorkshopHoz, Mervat El
2019Optimization of a DI-SPME-GC-MS/MS method for multi-residue analysis of pesticides in watersJabali, Yasmine ; Millet, Maurice; Hoz, Mervat El
2011Performance evaluation of the university of Balamand advanced wastewater treatment plantHoz, Mervat El; Gerges, Najib N. 
2004The performance of direct filtration system as an advanced wastewater treatmentHoz, Mervat El
2003Physicochemical approach to advanced wastewater filtrationHoz, Mervat El
2012Preliminary evaluation of groundwater quality in Tripoli and representation of under groundwater using GISDhaybi, Abdul Ghani El; Mohamad, Ahmad Al
2013Process selection and design of Bishmizzine wastewater treatment plantGhaleb, Sobhi
2017Regional-scale assessment of non-point source groundwater contamination in Akkar regionHoz, Mervat El
2017Removal of nitrate from the effluent of Tripoli water treatment plant using the ion exchange processAzour, Lama
2006Role of women in environmental higher educationHoz, Mervat El
2005Sanitary landfill extensionHoz, Mervat El
2018A short review of comparative energy, economic and environmental assessment ofNorouzi, Omid; Di Maria, Francesco; Hoz, Mervat El
2013Simulation study to improve wastewater treatment plant operation and upgradingHoz, Mervat El; Gerges, Najib N. 
2012Site evaluation for olive mills waste composting facilityHoz, Mervat El; Iaaly, Amal 
2015Site location feasibility analysis for undesirable solid waste facilityHoz, Mervat El; Iaaly, Amal