Showing results 56 to 75 of 105
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2000 | Integrated solid waste management for tannourine | Hoz, Mervat El |
2013 | Integrated waste management for the olive oil pressing industries | Hoz, Mervat El |
2003 | A lebanese private sector participation in the water sector case study | Hoz, Mervat El |
2015 | Market - based system of municipal solid waste composting | Hoz, Mervat El |
2005 | Marketing and commercializing of compost | Hoz, Mervat El |
2003 | Matrix-filter system for algae and phosphorous removal | Hoz, Mervat El |
2006 | Matrix-filter system for algae and phosphorus removal | Hoz, Mervat El |
2018 | Monitoring of lebanese surface water quality: case study of kadisha-Abou Ali and El Jaouz Rivers in north Lebanon | Daou, Claude; Hoz, Mervat El; Legube, Bernard |
2020 | Multivariate monitoring of surface water quality: physico-chemical, microbiological and 3D fluorescence characterization | Daou, Claude; Hoz, Mervat El; Kassouf, Amine; Legube, Bernard |
2008 | Municipal solid waste management in Dennieh | Borghol, Wissam; Hassoun, Najibeh |
2007 | Municipal solid waste management in semi urban areas | Hoz, Mervat El |
2002 | Municipal solid waste management in the caza of Al-koura | Nassif, Hanna F. |
2002 | Municipal solid waste management in Tripoli | Hoz, Mervat El |
2018 | Municipal solid waste management in urban cities: challenges and perspectives | Hoz, Mervat El |
2016 | Municipal solid waste management problems and sustainable solutions for coastal cities | Hoz, Mervat El |
2017 | Occurrence and source identification of PAHs in surface and groundwater of "Abou Ali" River | Jabali, Yasmine ; Hoz, Mervat El; Millet, Maurice |
2013 | One of the 40 international experts that are invited to participate in the Workshop | Hoz, Mervat El |
2019 | Optimization of a DI-SPME-GC-MS/MS method for multi-residue analysis of pesticides in waters | Jabali, Yasmine ; Millet, Maurice; Hoz, Mervat El |
2011 | Performance evaluation of the university of Balamand advanced wastewater treatment plant | Hoz, Mervat El; Gerges, Najib N. |
2004 | The performance of direct filtration system as an advanced wastewater treatment | Hoz, Mervat El |