Browsing by Author Hoz, Mervat El

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Showing results 27 to 46 of 105 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Disinfection of swro feed water using low amperage direct currentNaji, Nizam
2007Dust and VOC analysis in Chekka regionSemaan, Afifa
2006Efficient wastewater management in rural areasHoz, Mervat El
2017Enhancing governance, transparency and accountability for sustainable solid waste managementHoz, Mervat El
2016Environmental and construction design for a wastewater treatment plantHaj, Amani El
2003Environmental evaluation of the sanitary landfill in greater BeirutHoz, Mervat El
2014Environmental examination of waste plastic recycling industryHoz, Mervat El
2006Environmental impact assessment and design of sanitary landfill in Al-KouraKhaled, Mazen; Zawit, Mouhamad
2003Environmental impact assessment of air pollution in TripoliHoz, Mervat El
2003Environmental impact assessment study for the development of a sanitary landfill in the southHoz, Mervat El
2008Environmental management of meat processing industryHoz, Mervat El
2012Estimation of water storage in a specified sector in FranceYassine, Yassine; Masri, Bilal Al
2010Evaluation and modeling of small and medium scale WWTP using GPS-XGehchan, Frida
2006Evaluation de la Qualitée des Eaux de Surface au Liban du Point de Vue Physico-Chimique et Microbiologique, Cas de deux Rivières : Kadisha-Abou Ali et El-JaouzDaou, Claude; Parinet, B; Hoz, Mervat El; Legube, Bernard
2012Evaluation of composting processing technologies for the treatment of urban municipal solid wasteHoz, Mervat El
2004Evaluation of municipal solid waste composting in urban areasHoz, Mervat El
2005Evaluation of transportation in urban areaHoz, Mervat El
2018Evidence and policy summer school science, policy and demographyHoz, Mervat El
2019Examining localized patterns of outdoor and indoor particulate matter in the district of Al-Koura : a spatial and statistical analysisTamer, Issam
2011Factors influencing household waste management behaviorHoz, Mervat El