Browsing by Author Daoud, Ziad

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Showing results 114 to 133 of 134 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017'Raoultibacter timonensis gen. nov., sp. nov. , a new bacterium isolated from the human gut of a Pygmy womanBilen, Melhem; Cadoret, Frederic; Dubourg, Gregory; Daoud, Ziad; Fournier, Pierre Edouard; Raoult, Didier
2017Resistance and clonality in escherichia coli and klebsiella spp. and relationship with antibiotic consumption in major lebanese hospitalsDaoud, Ziad; Salem-Sokhn, Elie; Dahdouh, Elias; Irani, Jihad; Matar, Ghassan M.; Doron, Shira
2013Resistance of gram-negative bacilli in LebanonSokhn, Salem Elie; Dahdouh, Elias; Daoud, Ziad
2011Resistance of streptococcus pneumoniae isolated from Lebanese patients between 2005 and 2009Daoud, Ziad; Kourani, Mariam; Saab , R; Nader, Manal ; Hajjar, Micheline
2010Resistance patterns and occurrence of PVL genes in Staphylococcus aureus isolated at Saint Georges Hospital-University Medical Center, BeirutHanania, Diana
2007Resistance trends and blaCTX-M-15 gene transferability in Salmonella species isolated from Lebanese patientsEl-Hajj, Raymond
2016Results from the survey of antibiotic resistance (SOAR) 2011-13 in the gulf statesJamsheer, A.; Rafay, A. M.; Torumkuney, D.; Daoud, Ziad; Morrissey, I.
2020Results from the survey of antibiotic resistance (SOAR) 2015-17 in the middle east (Kuwait, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia): data based on CLSI, EUCAST (dose-specific) and pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) breakpointsTorumkuney, D.; Mokaddas, E; Jiman-Fatani, A; Ageel, A; Daoud, Ziad; Bouferraa, Y; Zerdan, M B.; Morrissey, I.
2018Sanguibacter massiliensis sp. nov., Actinomyces minihominis sp. nov., Clostridium minihomine sp. nov., Neobittarella massiliensis gen. nov. and Miniphocibacter massiliensis gen. nov., new bacterial species isolated by culturomics from human stool samplesBilen, Melhem; Fonkou, Maxime Descartes Mbogning; Daoud, Ziad
2009Self-medication with antibiotics in the ambulatory care setting within the Euro-Mediterranean region; results from the ARMed projectScicluna, Elizabeth A.; Borg, Michael A.; Gür, Deniz; Rasslan, Ossama; Taher, Ibrahim; Redjeb, SaidaBen; Nasser, Ziad El; Bagatzouni, Despo Pieridou; Daoud, Ziad
2009Self-protection as a driver for hand hygiene among healthcare workersBorg, Michael A.; Benbachir, Mohamed; Cookson, Barry D; Redjeb, SaidaBen; Nasser, Ziad El; Rasslan, Ossama; Gür, Deniz; Daoud, Ziad; Bagatzouni, Despo Pieridou
2018Speciation and antifungal susceptibility profiles of candida species in Lebanon : a nation-wide studyMahfouz, Youssef
2021The Spread of Plasmidic AmpC in a General Lebanese Hospital Over Nine Consecutive Years and the Relationship With Restricted Isolation ProtocolsFleifel, Mohamad; Machmouchi, Ahmad; Alameddine, Omar; Hoyek, Kim; Melki, Dimitri; Hallab, Elsa; Masri, Khalil; Sidaoui, Hiam R; Stockman, David; Daoud, Ziad
2009Streptococcus pneumonia isolated fom lebanese patients : patterns of susceptibility to antimicrobial agents and molecular epidemiology of resistance to penicillin, macrolides and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazoleKourani, Mariam
2016Surveillance of antimicrobial resistance in lebanese hospitals: retrospective nationwide compiled dataChamoun, Kamal; Farah, Maya; Araj, Georges; Daoud, Ziad; Moghnieh, Rima A.; Salameh, Pascale; Saade, Danielle; Mokhbat, Jacques; Abboud, Emme; Hamze, Monzer; Abboud, Edmond; Jisr, Tamima El; Haddad, Antoine; Feghali, Rita; Azar, Nadim; Zaatari, Mohammad El; Chedid, Marwan; Haddad, Christian; Nehme, Mireille Zouain Dib; Barakat, Angelique; Husni, Rola
2001Susceptibility of Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae isolated in Lebanon between 1991 and 1999Daoud, Ziad; Mkhbat, J; Kayali, Ghazi; Hakime, Noha
2013Synergistic combination of carbapenems and colistin against P. aeruginosa and A. baumanniiDaoud, Ziad; Mansour, Najwa; Masri, Khalil
2013Synergistic combination of carbapenems and colistin against Pseudomonas Aeruginosa and Acinetobacter BaumanniiMansour, Najwa
2019Taxonogenomics description of parabacteroides timonensis sp. nov. isolated from a human stool sampleBilen, Melhem; Fonkou, Maxime Descartes Mbogning; Khelaifia, Saber; Tomei, Enora; Cadoret, Frederic; Daoud, Ziad; Armstrong, Nicholas; Bittar, Fadi Al
2019Understanding the epidemiology of multi-drug resistant gram-negative bacilli in the middle east using a one health approachDandachi, Iman; Chaddad, Amer; Hanna, Jason; Matta, Jessika; Daoud, Ziad