Browsing by Author Abdel-Massih, Roula

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Showing results 49 to 68 of 110 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017The effect of different drying methods and carrier addition on the antimicrobial activity of prunus domestica and ribes nigrum extracts on different bacterial strainsHaddad, Ibrahim
2015Effect of different surfactants on indomethacin microspheres formulationYammine, Paolo ; Maarawi, Therese ; Moussa, Dima; Abdel-Massih, Roula; Kassab, Rima 
2010The effect of PEG-coated gold nanoparticles on the anti-proliferative potential of Specific Nutrient SynergyHarakeh, Steve; Abdel-Massih, Roula; Gil, Pilar Rivera; Sperling, Ralph A.; Meinhardt, Andreas; Neidwiecki, Aleksandra
2007Effects of partial enzymic degradation of sugar beet pectin on oxidative coupling of pectin-linked ferulates in vitroAbdel-Massih, Roula; Baydoun, Elias A-H.; Waldron, Keith; Brett, Cristopher T.
2012Evaluation of hospital wastewater genotoxicity in a lebanese university hospitalMelki, Pamela N.; Afif, Claude; Daoud, Ziad; Abdel-Massih, Roula
2013Evaluation of hospital wastewater genotoxicity in a Lebanese university hospitalMelki, Pamela
2014Evaluation of wastewater genotoxicity in a Lebanese University hospital with and without metabolic activationJabbour, Jean-Francois
2020Extraction of polyphenols from bigarade (Citrus aurantium L.) leaves using water bath and ultrasoundAssafiri, Dunia
2014Extracts of rosmarinus officinalis, rheum rhaponticum, and origanum majorana exhibit significant anti-staphylococcal activityAbdel-Massih, Roula; Abraham , A
2013Évaluation de la génotoxicité des eaux usées dans un Hôpital Universitaire LibanaisMelki, Pamela N.; Afif, Claude; Daoud, Ziad; Abdel-Massih, Roula
2000Galactan synthesis in peasAbdel-Massih, Roula; Baydoun, Elias A-H.; Brett, Cristopher T.
2001Galactosyl- and fucosyltransferases in etiolated pea epicotyls : product identification and sub-cellular localisationBaydoun, Elias A-H.; Abdel-Massih, Roula; Dani, Danielle; Rizk, Sandra E.; Brett, Cristopher T.
2012Genotoxicity of wastewater in a university hospital using the SOS chromotest and the ames fluctuation testAbdel-Massih, Roula; Melki, Pamela N.; Afif, Claude; Daoud, Ziad
2016Génotoxicité directe et indirecte de particules fines atmosphériques collectées sous influences industrielle et rurale au LibanMelki, Pamela N.; Billet, Sylvain; Landkocz, Yann; Andre, V; Aouad, Samer ; Ledoux, Frédéric; Sichel, F; Abdel-Massih, Roula
2023Glucosinolates, a natural chemical arsenal: More to tell than the myrosinase storyAbdel-Massih, Roula M.; Debs, Esperance ; Othman, Leen; Attieh, Jihad; Cabrerizo, Franco M.
2020Green extraction of polyphenols from olive leaves using Ired-Irrad® as a pretreatmentAbi khattar, Anna Maria; Rajha, Hiba N.; Maroun, Richard G.; Abdel-Massih, Roula; Louka, Nicolas; Debs, Esperance 
2016Health impact of air pollution in northern Lebanon: from chemical and toxicological analyses to a pilot epidemiological studyMelki, Pamela N.; Landkocz, Yann; Frere, S; Andrea , V; Aouad, Samer ; Ledoux, Frédéric; Khoury, Bilal El ; Sichel, F; Courcot, Dominique; Abdel-Massih, Roula; Billet, Sylvain
2014Hospital wastewater genotoxicity in a lebanese university hospitalJabbour, Jean-Francois; Melki, Pamela N.; Abdel-Massih, Roula
2016Hospital wastewater genotoxicity: a comparison study between an urban and rural university hospital with and without metabolic activationJabbour, Jean-Francois; Farah, Jina; Abdel-Massih, Roula
2015Hospital wastewater genotoxicity: a comparison study between two lebanese university hospitalsFarah, Jina; Jabbour, Jean-Francois; Abdel-Massih, Roula