Browsing by Author Whaibeh, Emile

Showing results 1 to 20 of 20
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Assessing the occupational hazards in a perfume trading companyHelmi, Najia
2024Assessment and enhancement of occupational health and safety (OHS) practices at CITCO : confectionery industry and trading companyRifai, Maya
2023Caring for patients' and employees' health and safety : hazard identification and risk assessment of a medical centerRayess, Farah
28-Sep-2022Cultural and Regulatory ContextMahmoud, Hossam; Whaibeh, Emile ; McDermott, Marlene
10-Jul-2024The Environmental Exposures in Lebanese Infants (EELI) birth cohort: an investigation into the Developmental Origins of Health and Diseases (DOHaD)Whaibeh, Emile ; Mrad-Nakhlé, Myriam; Aouad, Norma; Annesi-Maesano, Isabella; Abbas, Nivine H. ; Chaiban, Clara; Abi Hanna, Jowy; Abi Tayeh, Georges
27-Sep-2022Essentials of Telebehavioral Health: A Practical GuideMahmoud, Hossam; Naal, Hady; Whaibeh, Emile 
2023Evaluation of outbreak preparedness of nurses in a tertiary care Bekaa hospitalSiblani, Lama
2023Fire safety and emergency planning in a school settingWehbe, Corelle
2023Hand hygiene in the intensive care unit: audit and interventionFata, Issa Al
2024Integrated hospital occupational safety initiative and JCI accreditation in a Lebanese private hospitalDanaf, Asrar Al
28-Sep-2022IntroductionWhaibeh, Emile ; Mahmoud, Hossam
2023Menkul e-magazine : pilot project to prevent violence and in specific gender-based violence among childrenChayya, Caroline
2023Occupational emergency plan for the Lebanese Red Cross’s blood transfusion sectorMneimneh, Rabie
2024Occupational safety implementation in university and hospital settingsZarif, Mira El
28-Sep-2022The Patient PopulationMahmoud, Hossam; Whaibeh, Emile ; Dickenson, Fayth
2023Promoting occupational wellbeing in a non-governmental organization : empowering the staff of “teach for Lebanon”Zeineddine, Yasmine
2022The promotion of gender equality through the provision of flexible funding to local women's rights organizations in LebanonHajj, by Annita El-
2023Remote project revitalizing medical and health service offering via telehealth : developing guidelines that the Ordre de Malte primary healthcare centers can use to conduct telehealthKhalil, Serena
2023Rural assessment for food security and agricultural needs in Akkar, Lebanon resulting from the economic crisis and climate changeBou Ghader, Tamara
28-Sep-2022Telebehavioral Health: The BasicsVogt, Emily; Whaibeh, Emile