Browsing by Author Saba, Nicolas

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Showing results 9 to 28 of 34 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022A comparative analysis and optimization of an automotive front bumper system using explicit finite elements method for high-velocity frontal impactSadaka, Tony E. Tarek
2020Damping behaviour analysis of 3d printed samples with poresGoken, J; Saba, Nicolas 
2016Design and fabrication of a mechanical batteryJabbour, Elie; Ighnatios, Antonios
2014Design of a cooling device for coupled thermo-mechanical processMalass, Adib; Braidi, Wael
2013Design of an ultra-light mountain bikeKaram, George; Bacha, Jean
2017Development and design study of a tailored crash bumper systemSamaha, Elias; Saikali, Natasha
2023Evaluation of the mechanical behavior of different geopolymers via different experimental testing methodsChalhoub, Lynn
2016Experimental study of the interlaminar fracture of composite materials in mode IIITawk, Issam ; Rishmany, Jihad ; Saba, Nicolas ; Mahmoud, Bassam
2020Experimental study of the interlaminar fracture of composite materials in mode III by MSCB testTawk, Issam ; Rishmany, Jihad ; Saba, Nicolas ; Navarro, Pablo; Ferrero, Jean-Francois
2015FEM analysis of a tailored b-pillar using composite materialsSaba, Nicolas ; Rishmany, Jihad ; Tawk, Issam 
2014Improving manufacturing processes of safety component in automobile industryAin, Samir El; Germanos, Rony
2018Investigation and modification of the tailoring method in the press hardening processes using coupled thermo-mechanical simulationSaba, Nicolas ; Rishmany, Jihad ; Daaboul, Michel ; Tawk, Issam 
2018Investigation and modification of the tailoring method in the press hardening processes using coupled thermo-mechanical simulationAyoub, Ziad
2014Investigation on solar-powered turbines using refrigerant R-134aRishmany, Jihad ; Daaboul, Michel ; Tawk, Issam ; Saba, Nicolas 
Jan-2022Measurements of Acoustic Radiation of Tonewood Spruce at Different Clamping LoadsGöken, J.; Saba, Nicolas ; Steinhoff, K.
2017Optimization of a typical BIW component using tailor welding technique via FEASaba, Nicolas ; Rishmany, Jihad ; Daaboul, Michel ; Tawk, Issam 
2017Optimization of a vertical axis wind turbine using FEA, multibody dynamics and wind tunnel testingRishmany, Jihad ; Daaboul, Michel ; Tawk, Issam ; Saba, Nicolas 
2017Optimization of the production process of an A-pillar using a differential thickness profile approach via FEASaba, Nicolas ; Rishmany, Jihad ; Tawk, Issam ; Daaboul, Michel 
2017Properties of fuel spray obtained by electrohydrodynamic atomizationDaaboul, Michel ; Saba, Nicolas ; Rishmany, Jihad ; Louste, Christophe