Browsing by Author Hage, Rawad El

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Showing results 149 to 168 of 189 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013Regional distribution of bone mass in adult athletes and adult sedentary menHage, Rawad El ; Zakhem, Eddy ; Zunquin, Gautier; Moussa, Elie ; Theunynck, Denis
2010Relation between body mass index and body fat percent determined by DEXA in Lebanese female adolescentsFazah, Abdallah; Jacob, Christophe ; Hage, Rawad El ; Delamarche, Paul; Moussa, Elie 
2015Relation entre concentration sérique de vitamine D et consommation maximale doxygène chez des jeunes femmesKhoury, Georges El ; Zouhal, Hassane; Alwan Nassereddine, Abir; Khoury, César El; Zakhem, Eddy ; Hage, Rawad El 
2017Relation entre consommation maximale dioxygène et densité minérale osseuse chez des enfants et des adolescents en surcharge pondéraleMawlawi, Ghazi
2013Relation entre la vitesse maximale aérobie et la qualité du sommeil chez un groupe de jeunes hommesHage, Rawad El ; Zakhem, Eddy ; Gautier, Zunquin; Theunynck, Denis; Pezé, Thierry
2013Relations between birth weight and hip bone strength indices in a group of adolescent girlsHage, Rawad El 
2014Relations between fat mass index and hip structure analysis variables in a group of adolescent girlsHage, Rawad El ; Maalouf, Ghassan
2019Relations between maximal half squat strength and bone variables in a group of young overweight menKhawaja, Anthony; Sabbagh, Patchina; Piroux, Jacques; Pinti, Antonio; Khoury, Georges El ; Hage, Rawad El 
2021Relations between maximal strength indices and bone health parameters in a group of elderly subjectsAntoun, A.; Saddik, Hayman; Nasr, Riad; Khalil, N; Watelain, E; Hage, Rawad El 
2014Relations entre caractéristiques anthropométriques, concentration sérique de vitamine D, niveau de performance physique et score trabéculaire osseux du rachis lombaire chez des jeunes adultesKhoury, Anthony El
2022Relations entre la puissance maximale et les parametres de sante osseuse chez un groupe de jeunes adultes LibanaisFarah, Georgette
2020The relationship between the values of sport scholarships given by private Lebanese universities to student-athletes and their rankings in the leaguesHayek, Elie El
2020Relationships between anthropometric characteristics and broadband ultrasound attenuation measured at the calcaneus in a group of young French adultsZakhem, Eddy ; Zunquin, Gautier; Hurdiel, Rémy; Pezé, Thierry; Theunynck, Denis; Hage, Rawad El 
2019The relationships between bone variables and physical fitness across the BMI spectrum in young adult womenRassy, Nathalie Al; Bakouny, Ziad; Matta, Joseph; Frenn, Fabienne; Maalouf, Ghassan; Rizkallah, Maroun; Bachour, Falah; Sebaaly, Amer; Hardouin , Pierre; Chauveau, Christophe; Hage, Rawad El 
2019Relationships between muscle mass, strength and regional bone mineral density in young menSutter, Thibault; Toumi, Hechmi; Valery, Antoine; Hage, Rawad El ; Pinti, Antonio; Lespessailles, Eric
2020Relationships between muscular power and bone health parameters in a group of young lebanese adultsSabbagh, Patchina; Kamlé, Pierre; Pinti, Antonio; Farah, Georgette; Saddick, Hayman; Zakhem, Eddy ; Finianos, Boutros; Zunquin, Gautier; Baquet, Georges; Hage, Rawad El 
2024The relationships between physical performance variables and academic performance in a group of Lebanese adolescentsEid, Nadim
2021Relationships Between Relative Skeletal Muscle Mass Index and Composite Indices of Femoral Neck in a Group of Lebanese Postmenopausal WomenAbdul Al, Obaida; Zakhem, Eddy ; Zunquin, Gautier; Hage, Rawad El 
2021The relationships between skeletal muscle index and bone variables in a group of young adultsKhawaja, Anthony; Sabbagh, Patchina; Piroux, Jacques; Zunquin, Gautier; Baquet, Georges; Maalouf, Ghassan; Hage, Zaher El; Antoun, Amal; Hage, Rawad El 
2021Relationships between sprinting performance and composite indices of femoral neck strength in a group of young adultsFinianos, B.; Sabbagh, P.; Zunquin, G.; Hage, Rawad El