Browsing by Author Hage, Rawad El

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Showing results 134 to 153 of 189 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Aug-2023A one-year sprint training program improves bone mineral density in a group of young overweight menKamlé, P.; Pinti, A.; El Hage, Z.; Khalil, N.; Toumi, H.; Hage, Rawad El 
2016Performance physique et densité minérale osseuse chez de jeunes adultes libanaisZakhem, Eddy ; Khoury, Georges El ; Feghali, Léa; Zunquin, Gautier; Khoury, César El; Pezé, Thierry; Ayoub, Marie-Louise; Theunynck, Denis; Hage, Rawad El 
2015Performances in vertical jump and horizontal jump tests are positive determinants of hip bone mineral density in a group of young adult menHage, Rawad El ; Zakhem, Eddy ; Zunquin, Gautier; Theunynck, Denis; Moussa, Elie ; Maalouf, Ghassan
2014Physical performance and bone mineral density in a group of young lebanese adultsHage, Rawad El ; Zakhem, Eddy ; Zunquin, Gautier; Theunynck, Denis; Bachour, Falah; Barakat, Angelique; Bedran, Farid; Maalouf, Ghassan
2015Physical performance and trabecular bone score in a group of young lebanese womenZakhem, Eddy ; Ayoub, Marie-Louise; Zunquin, Gautier; Theunynck, Denis; Bedran, Farid; Sebaaly, Amer; Bachour, Falah; Maalouf, Ghassan; Hage, Rawad El 
2018Physical performance variables and bone mineral density in a group of young overweight and obese menKhoury, César El; Pinti, Antonio; Lespessailles, Eric; Maalouf, Ghassan; Watelain, Eric; Khoury, Georges El ; Berro, Abdel Jalil; Ayoub, Marie-Louise; Toumi, Hechmi; Hage, Rawad El 
2019Physical performance variables and bone parameters in a group of young overweight and obese womenBerro, Abdel Jalil; Rassy, Nathalie Al; Ahmaidi, Said; Sabbagh, Patchina; Khawaja, Anthony; Maalouf, Ghassan; Hage, Rawad El 
2017Positive association between maximal oxygen consumption and bone mineral density in growing overweight childrenZunquin, Gautier; Berro, Abdel Jalil; Bouglé, Dominique; Zakhem, Eddy ; Theunynck, Denis; Mawlawi, Ghazi; Ayoub, Marie-Louise; Hage, Rawad El 
2018Positive correlations between free vitamin D and bone variables in a group of young Lebanese menAlwan Nassereddine, Abir; Rizkallah, Maroun; Maalouf, Ghassan; Matta, Joseph; Frenn, Fabienne; Berro, Abdel Jalil; Barakat, Angelique; Bachour, Falah; Sebaaly, Amer; Howayek, Mirza; Zouhal, Hassane; Hage, Rawad El 
2018Positive correlations between free vitamin D and bone variables in a group of young Lebanese womenAlwan Nassereddine, Abir; Rizkallah, Maroun; Maalouf, Ghassan; Matta, Joseph; Frenn, Fabienne; Barakat, Angelique; Bachour, Falah; Sebaaly, Amer; Berro, Abdel Jalil; Rassy, Nathalie Al; Howayek, Mirza; Zouhal, Hassane; Hage, Rawad El 
2021Positive correlations between physical activity level and composite indices of femoral neck strength in a group of young overweight and obese menZakhem, Eddy ; Sabbagh, P.; Al Khoury, Cezar; Zunquin, G.; Baquet, G.; Hage, Rawad El 
2012Potentialisation post-effort après un exercice de développé-couché : influence de l'intensité de la pré-activationHage, Rawad El ; Nasr, Riad; Moussa, Elie ; Jacob, Christophe 
2015Pre-exercise hyperventilation can significantly increase performance in the 50-meter front crawlJacob, Christophe ; Keyrouz, César; Bideau, Nicolas; Guillaume, Nicolas; Hage, Rawad El ; Bideau, Benoit; Zouhal, Hassane
2020Predicting manual wheelchair initiation movement with EMG activity during over ground propulsionChikh, Soufien; Boudet, Samuel; Pinti, Antonio; Garnier, Cyril; Hage, Rawad El 
2013Predictors of bone mineral content and bone mineral density in a group of normal-weight adolescentsHage, Rawad El 
2013Regional distribution of bone mass in adult athletes and adult sedentary menHage, Rawad El ; Zakhem, Eddy ; Zunquin, Gautier; Moussa, Elie ; Theunynck, Denis
2010Relation between body mass index and body fat percent determined by DEXA in Lebanese female adolescentsFazah, Abdallah; Jacob, Christophe ; Hage, Rawad El ; Delamarche, Paul; Moussa, Elie 
2015Relation entre concentration sérique de vitamine D et consommation maximale doxygène chez des jeunes femmesKhoury, Georges El ; Zouhal, Hassane; Alwan Nassereddine, Abir; Khoury, César El; Zakhem, Eddy ; Hage, Rawad El 
2017Relation entre consommation maximale dioxygène et densité minérale osseuse chez des enfants et des adolescents en surcharge pondéraleMawlawi, Ghazi
2013Relation entre la vitesse maximale aérobie et la qualité du sommeil chez un groupe de jeunes hommesHage, Rawad El ; Zakhem, Eddy ; Gautier, Zunquin; Theunynck, Denis; Pezé, Thierry