Browsing by Author Mitri, George

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Showing results 41 to 60 of 75 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Land use and land degradation in times of violent conflictMitri, George ; Issa, Sahar
2016Lebanon's national blueprint for a sustainable forest biomass: promoting renewable energy and forest stewardshipMitri, George 
2014Managing wildfire risk in Lebanon: an increasing risk in a changing worldMitri, George 
2017Mapping burned areas from time series of Landsat imagery for estimating greenhouse gas emissions at the National levelMitri, George ; Nader, Manal ; Kai, Lea
2016Mapping greenhouse gas emissions and removals from the land use, land use change, and forestry sector at the local levelMitri, George ; Karam, J.
2019Mapping important wildlife areas in LebanonChidiac, Alexander
2017Mapping plant abundance and phyto-sociability using sentinel - 2 satellite imageryMitri, George ; Beshara, Joseph; Nehme, Maya; Nassar, Abdo
2013Mapping post-fire forest regeneration and vegetation recovery using a combination of very high spatial resolution and hyperspectral satellite imageryMitri, George ; Gitas, Ioannis Z.
2010Mapping post-fire forest regeneration and vegetation recovery with the combined use of very high spatial resolution and hyperspectral satellite imageryMitri, George ; Gitas, Ioannis Z.
2010Mapping postfire vegetation recovery using EO-1 hyperion imageryMitri, George ; Gitas, Ioannis Z.
2019Mapping wildfire risk in Lebanon: challenging a stepwise approach for effective purposesZeidan, S; Bacciu, V; Nassif, N.; Mitri, George ; Jezzini, N; Spano, D
2016Modelling forest fire danger in Lebanon with the combined use of socio-economic and biophysical variables in object-based image analysisMitri, George ; Antoun, Edward; Saba, Sabine ; McWethy, David
2013Modelling vegetation succession in fire affected areas in the MediterraneanFiorucci, Paolo; Mitri, George ; Franciosi, C; Lima, M; Chiara, F; Biondi, G; DAndrea, M.
2014Monitoring drought conditions in Lebanon using climate-based indicesMahfouz, Peter Elie
2012Monitoring landcover changes on the coastal zone of north Lebanon using object-based image analysis of multi-temporal landsat imagesMitri, George ; Nader, Manal ; Van Der Molen, Irna; Lovett, Jon C.
2019Monitoring Lebanon's daily snow cover between 2000 and 2018 using multi-temporal satellite dataSamman, Amira
2014Monitoring post-fire forest regeneration of Pinus brutia in North LebanonHalabi, Amira El; Mitri, George ; Jazi, Mireille
2014Monitoring post-fire regeneration of Pinus brutia in North LebanonHalabi, Amira El
2014Monitoring post-fire shrub recovery on Pinus brutia burned sitesHalabi, Amira El; Mitri, George ; Jazi, Mireille
2015National greenhouse gas inventory report and mitigation analysis for the land use, land-use change and forestry sector in LebanonNader, Manal ; Mitri, George ; Jazi, Mireille; Daia, Roula Al ; Abou Dagher, Manale ; Bou Kamel, Hisham; Aboujaoude, Lea Kai; Daou, Yara; Kabakian, Vahakn