Showing results 28 to 45 of 45
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2018 | Investigation and modification of the tailoring method in the press hardening processes using coupled thermo-mechanical simulation | Saba, Nicolas ; Rishmany, Jihad ; Daaboul, Michel ; Tawk, Issam |
Aug-2023 | Investigation of bulk density and friction coefficient of olive residues and sawdust prior to pelletizing | Ayla Abou Haidar; Rishmany, Jihad |
2014 | Investigation on solar-powered turbines using refrigerant R-134a | Rishmany, Jihad ; Daaboul, Michel ; Tawk, Issam ; Saba, Nicolas |
2016 | Modeling of windshield wiper using Adams software | Makhoul, Farid; Ahdab, Fouad Al |
2013 | Motion and finite element analysis of boeing 747-400 nose landing gear | Banna, Bahaa Al; Mohaidly, Bassel |
2019 | Numerical analysis of vertical axis wind turbine | Matar, Ihssan; Taiba, Samer |
2023 | NUMERICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON THE EFFECT OF OVERLAP ON SAVONIUS WIND TURBINE | Alomar, Zaki; Khoury, Gerard; Rishmany, Jihad ; Daaboul, Michel |
2017 | Optimization of a typical BIW component using tailor welding technique via FEA | Saba, Nicolas ; Rishmany, Jihad ; Daaboul, Michel ; Tawk, Issam |
2017 | Optimization of a vertical axis wind turbine using FEA, multibody dynamics and wind tunnel testing | Rishmany, Jihad ; Daaboul, Michel ; Tawk, Issam ; Saba, Nicolas |
2017 | Optimization of the production process of an A-pillar using a differential thickness profile approach via FEA | Saba, Nicolas ; Rishmany, Jihad ; Tawk, Issam ; Daaboul, Michel |
2017 | Properties of fuel spray obtained by electrohydrodynamic atomization | Daaboul, Michel ; Saba, Nicolas ; Rishmany, Jihad ; Louste, Christophe |
2011 | Roll bending machine | Derraik, Marie; Jabbour, George |
2013 | Solar powered steam turbine | Abdallah, Maher; Yamak, Bashar |
2019 | Sorting and miniaturization of household waste | Sabiini, Guitta; Rishmany, Jihad |
2015 | Study and simulation to improve manufacturing processes of A-pillars in automobile industry | Frangieh, Bassel; Toulany, Sayed; Ahmad, Talal; Khazaka, Gaby |
2009 | Waste sorting and miniaturization on the domestic scale | Rishmany, Jihad ; Gedeon, Pierre |
2017 | Weight optimization of an existing metallic structure under combined loading via FEA | Boutros, Lara; Gerges, Johnny; Bittar, Fadi Al |
2010 | Wood bending machine | Tadros, Sarkis; Ghanem, Ramzi |