Browsing by Author Semaan, Nabil

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Showing results 93 to 98 of 98 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013A systems' approach to safety assessment of the University of Balamand access roadsKhoury, Elino; Khouri, Samer; Taleb, Mohamad Nawaf
2024Time risk analysis in architectural design : a case study of THP architects' international projectsNaghi, Ania
2020Traffic-Lights-Based Guidance System in Lebanon using Network OptimizationKhoderchah, Elie; Jazzar, Ibrahim; El-Zahab, Samer; Semaan, Nabil ; Al-Sakkaf, Abobaker
2015Trenching production and water main installationLakkis, Samah; Tom, Georges El
2019University curriculum management : a course offering model for the University of Balamand engineering B.S programRafka, Elissa; Shatah, Hassan
15-Oct-2024Use of machine learning models to predict the water penetration depth in concreteEl-Mir, Abdulkader ; El-Zahab, Samer; Nasr, Dana ; Semaan, Nabil ; Assaad, Joseph ; El-Hassan, Hilal