Showing results 65 to 84 of 98
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2012 | Production of concrete batch plant | Ojaimy, Rachel; Halla, Stephany Al; Greige, Saly |
2016 | Production of construction operations: an example on ready mix concrete batch plant | Semaan, Nabil |
2012 | Production of hollowcore slab | Khoury, Riad; Fares, Salah |
2018 | Productivity evaluation for backhoes rock drilling operation in Lebanon | Daoud, Simona; Saleh, Ali |
2020 | Productivity evaluation of a jackhammer excavation operation using different queuing models | Karam, Fahed |
2015 | Project definition rating index application to Lebanese building projects | Moubayed, Sami; Hamzeh, Tarek |
2023 | Quantitative measurable model of employee satisfaction index | Israwi, Shireen Al |
2020 | Retrofit decision model for existing old structures | Tamer, Jad; Khoury, Sami Al |
2023 | Revolutionizing contractor selection : a new approach | Saadeddine, Jad |
2018 | The rural road diagnosis index | Semaan, Nabil |
2013 | Rural road diagnosis index RRDI condition assessment model | Nakhoul, Catherine; Hawli, Rita |
2014 | Safety analysis and risk evaluation of the construction sites in Koura district | Mawad, Antonios; Sawda, Jad El |
2021 | Selection of engineering consulting firms using multi criteria decision making methods | Georges, Marie Belle |
2023 | Selection of the best biodiesel blend among existing studies using AHP topsis approach | Farah, Yorgo |
2018 | Sizing optimization for minimum cost of underground water tanks | Tamer, Alain; Haidar, Moufid |
2013 | Smartphones war | Naji, Houda; Kheir, Issa |
2015 | Stakeholder impact on cost contingency model (SICC) | Sarkis, Sandy |
2015 | Stakeholder impacted cost contingency model (SICC) | Semaan, Nabil ; Sarkis, Sandy |
2016 | Stochastic analysis of ready mix concrete batch plant in Kfarshima, Lebanon | Semaan, Nabil |
2021 | A stochastic detailed cyclone model for simulation of the jackhammer and the evaluation of productivity | Maroun, Khalil |