Browsing by Author Semaan, Nabil

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Showing results 49 to 68 of 98 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Life cycle cost model for sustainable renewable photovoltaic energy for urban municipalitiesMaamary, Hanna
2018Life cycle cost model of a recycling plantAssaf, Carl
2012A model for contractor selectionZakhem, Tony; Chidiac, Jabbour; Ramia, Jawad
2017Modular pedestrian bridges : technical and economical feasibility studyAbboud, Fouad; Mssan, Dany
2015A new sustainability assessment model for buildings in LebanonMakhoul, Roi; Haddad, Amer; Yammine, Paul Marie
2023A novel combination scheme of the modified TOPSIS and ITARA in housing assistance and building AssessmentsKazzni, H.; Daba, Jihad S. ; Semaan, Nabil 
31-Dec-2022A Novel Combination Scheme of the Modified TOPSIS and ITARA in Housing Assistance and Building AssessmentsKazzni, Hady; Daba, Jihad S. ; Semaan, Nabil 
11-Jun-2023A Novel Service Life Prediction for Reinforced Concrete Infrastructure SystemsSemaan, Nabil 
2018Optimization model of human resources schedule in the Lebanese armed forcesYaacoub, Jhonny
2017Optimization of typical earth moving operationsSrour, Andrew; Yaacoub, Georges
2020Optimizing Ambulance Paths: Case Study of Red Cross Tripoli BranchRafka, Elissa; Baroudi, Nadia; El-Zahab, Samer; Semaan, Nabil ; Al-Sakkaf, Abobakr
2024Overview of the digitalization of project management in the construction industry of the gulf regionTarabay, Perla
2017The periodic aviation maintenance stochastic schedule model (PAM-SS)Semaan, Nabil 
2016The periodic aviation maitenance stochastic schedule model (PAM-SS)Yehia, Nabhan
2016The predicted performance curve (PPC): a new structural performance deterioration model for concrete infrastructureSemaan, Nabil ; Zayed, Tarek
2018Preliminary stochastic schedule estimate for design phase of projectsSaeed, Chaza
2012Production of concrete batch plantOjaimy, Rachel; Halla, Stephany Al; Greige, Saly
2016Production of construction operations: an example on ready mix concrete batch plantSemaan, Nabil 
2012Production of hollowcore slabKhoury, Riad; Fares, Salah
2018Productivity evaluation for backhoes rock drilling operation in LebanonDaoud, Simona; Saleh, Ali