Browsing by Author Semaan, Nabil

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Showing results 41 to 60 of 98 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Field of action and management strategies for sustainable schoolsMoussa, Nicole
2023A green municipal sustainability condition assessment modelEstephan, Camille
2021Green university campus diagnosis modelKhoderchah, Elie
1-Jan-2024The Green University Campus Diagnosis ModelKhoderchah, Elie; Semaan, Nabil 
2021Improving Road Networks Using Network Optimization: Case Study of Aley LebanonRayess, Rawad; El-Zahab, Samer; Semaan, Nabil ; Al-Sakkaf, Abobakr
2025Innovative application of python-based AHP and TOPSIS for fire safety management : a comprehensive framework for resource optimizationBadr, Ibrahim
2022An integrated infrastructure prioritization model: Case study of tripoli, lebanonBaroudi, Nadia; El-Zahab, Samer; Semaan, Nabil ; Al-Sakkaf, Abobakr; Abdelkader, Eslam Mohammed
2017Life cycle cost analysis of sustainable energy conservation in Lebanese construction industryDouaihy, Joseph
2018Life cycle cost model for sustainable renewable photovoltaic energy for urban municipalitiesMaamary, Hanna
2018Life cycle cost model of a recycling plantAssaf, Carl
2012A model for contractor selectionZakhem, Tony; Chidiac, Jabbour; Ramia, Jawad
2017Modular pedestrian bridges : technical and economical feasibility studyAbboud, Fouad; Mssan, Dany
2015A new sustainability assessment model for buildings in LebanonMakhoul, Roi; Haddad, Amer; Yammine, Paul Marie
2023A novel combination scheme of the modified TOPSIS and ITARA in housing assistance and building AssessmentsKazzni, H.; Daba, Jihad S. ; Semaan, Nabil 
31-Dec-2022A Novel Combination Scheme of the Modified TOPSIS and ITARA in Housing Assistance and Building AssessmentsKazzni, Hady; Daba, Jihad S. ; Semaan, Nabil 
11-Jun-2023A Novel Service Life Prediction for Reinforced Concrete Infrastructure SystemsSemaan, Nabil 
2018Optimization model of human resources schedule in the Lebanese armed forcesYaacoub, Jhonny
2017Optimization of typical earth moving operationsSrour, Andrew; Yaacoub, Georges
2020Optimizing Ambulance Paths: Case Study of Red Cross Tripoli BranchRafka, Elissa; Baroudi, Nadia; El-Zahab, Samer; Semaan, Nabil ; Al-Sakkaf, Abobakr
2024Overview of the digitalization of project management in the construction industry of the gulf regionTarabay, Perla