Browsing by Author Semaan, Nabil

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Showing results 15 to 34 of 98 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016A cost-based improvement model for the Semaan Tool for assessing and rating sustainability CCO-STARSChaddad, Charbel; Jaber, Bassel
2014Crash: an automated tool for schedule crashingGerges, Najib N. ; Semaan, Nabil ; Rizk, Joe 
2015Crashing risk modeling softwareHayek, Samir; Halawi, Samer; Saadieh, Afif
2015Crashing-risk-modeling-software (CRMS)Semaan, Nabil ; Gerges, Najib N. ; Rizk, Joe 
2011CSCE Annual Conference in OttawaSemaan, Nabil 
2011Decision analysis for power consumption cost and efficiency in Marble manufacturingArab, Rashad Amer; Amine, Khaled Aboude
2010Decision model for alternate power generation for the University of BalamandZein, Mohamad El; Khoury, Celine El
2012Design of a five storey residential buildingZod, Nada; Khodr, Toka El; Jmayleh, Dima
2014Design of a skew reinforced concrete bridgeFrancis, Rony; Douaihy, Boutros; Fenianos, Jonathan
2011Design of single box culvertsAgha, Azzam Khodor; Samad, Karim Al
2015Design of slabsDeeb, Emam Al; Sahyoun, Joseph
2016Deterministic and simulation modeling of the production of ready mix concrete batch plant industry in Nahr el Maout, LebanonSemaan, Nabil 
2011Deterministic construction productivity of an earthmoving operationAllam, Omar; Hilal, Amer; Yamak, Majed
2017A deterministic contractor selection decision support system for competitive biddingSemaan, Nabil ; Salem, Michael 
2023Development of ChemSorter application for chemical waste management at University of BalamandJammoul, Mateel
2013An economic feasibility study for a railway network linking Tripoli to BeirutMatta, Jessica Lynn
2016An economic feasibility study of sustainable public bus network for Tripoli, LebanonFayad, Jessica; Rida, Mariam
2023Empowering koura's rural villages : assessing solar, wind, and hybrid energy alternatives for sustainable rural growthKhoury, Christina El
26-Jul-2023Engineering Laboratories Chemical Waste Management — Introduction of a Web-Based SystemJammoul, M.; Semaan, Nabil ; Jabali, Yasmine 
2021Estimation of the number of excavating jobs using Markov chainAlam, Elise Al